Ch 18

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(A few weeks later)

Zoe and Andrew had gone out every single night this week, and it was great to see her so happy!

I was writing an essay for my  Literature class at the kitchen table when I heard the door open. I leaned over the table to look in the entryway and saw none other than Zoe and Andrew sticking their tongues down each other's throats.

"Whoa whoa! Let me at least leave while I have the chance!"

They both jumped, obviously thinking they were alone.

"Good to see you Taylor. Sorry about that," Andrew blushed a little and laughed.

"It's ok, I'll just go or something."

They both reassured me that they were going to go out so I could continue working on the paper.

A while later, I heard the door swing open. "Zoe, what did you forget this time?"

Instead of Zoe, James came into the kitchen and had a wide grin on his face.

"So is that a normal thing now? Where you come over unannounced and just walk in?" I teased as he planted a kiss to my cheek and sat down.

"I just wanted to inform you that our professor just posted our grades from the last test online. You might want to get out a tissue to use when you see that you lost the bet."

I rolled my eyes. "In your dreams, Hudson. I'll check right now. What did you get?"

"I will tell you after. Just check your grade."

I then logged in and saw that I had gotten and 85 on the test. Hmm, not bad.

"85." He grinned. Oh no. "James, what did you get?"

"94. Looks like you are going on a 24 hour date of my choosing." He smiles brightly. If he weren't so darn cute, I'd smack him for bragging.

"Be ready at 8 tonight." He kissed the top of my head as he got up to leave.

"So you only came over here to brag about your grade and then leave?"

He nods. "I have to go plan out the 24 hour date of course. See you tonight, love."

I don't even know what to wear! "James, what should I wear?"

He popped his head back into my apartment. "Wear something fancy, but bring a few changes of clothes for afterwards."

Oh man, this 24 hour date should be good.

SORRY this chapter is short! But the next one is going to be long and will be their 24 hour date,..... *collapses from cuteness overload*

Let me know what you think! I appreciate it! xo

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