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I hope yall like my new cover for the story :)


I froze after Nikki had ended the call. How did she know all of that about my mom? I guess it didn't really matter, she loves her job. She was able to snag the job of working from home for a publishing company a few years before I was born so that she and my dad could stay where they lived and not have to move to the city. She was able to always pick me up from school, pull me out on days where I felt sick as a child, and many other things. This would break her heart to lose the job she has had for about 24 years, and it would be all my fault.

"Taylor?" I heard James call from behind. Oh no, James. She told me mom could keep her job if I stayed away from him. However, that is almost impossible. I am like a moth to a flame when it comes to that man. Zoe is absolutely sick and literally makes gagging noises at the amount of conversation that either involves him or is directed towards him.

I snapped back to reality and looked over at him. "I'm so sorry. A lot is on my mind I guess."

"Well you better clear your head, or I might get a better test score than you,...again." He jokes as he hands me my coffee.

"Not fair! I missed one more question than you! I highly doubt that counts."

"Why don't we make it interesting then?" A big smirk appears on his face.

"What's the bet Hudson?"

He takes a second to think about it, and then the smirk is back.

"Whoever wins has to organize a whole 24 hour date. It can be whatever they want, and the loser cannot object to a single thing I,...I mean the winner, say to do."

He is being so flirty and I absolutely love it. Just then, I get a picture of Nikki in my mind.

"Uh yeah sure. Let's uh get to class." I break the moment and grab my bag to leave. He doesn't question me and we take our seats in Literature a few minutes later.

Our professor passes out the tests and James waits expectantly until I look up at him.

"Good luck, you'll need it." He whispers.

I scoff in response. "In your dreams."

"Well,..-" He leans into me. "You are in my dreams a lot, beautiful."

"You two! Stop with the chit chat." The professor snaps us out of our bubble and we both laugh as we start our tests.


who do you think will win the b

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