Ch 13

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Good news- I am starting to write more frequently for this story yay :D

Bad news- I have final exams next week and I have Tonsillitis :(

Here's chapter 13! Chapter 14 should be up by Friday :)



The test was so hard to concentrate on when I still had Nikki on my mind. Nikki's little message was enough to get me thinking about what I should do in regards to James. I really, really like him. I can't just not be with him, and I know that sounds dramatic, but it is true. These past two months of knowing him have been so wonderful.

I guess I should worry about Nikki later and see what Zoe thinks when I get home.

I finished my test and took in my surroundings. I was the last to finish and all of the other students had gone home. It hadn't seemed like it took that long, but I am distracted.

I found James waiting for me outside the building and I smiled at the thought of him waiting for me this whole time.

"Were you triple checking over your answers to make sure you get a better exam grade?" He smirks at me once he notices I am out of the classroom.

"No no, sorry. You didn't have to wait for me, but it was very sweet of you." I kissed his cheek and he chuckled. "No problem, love." I blushed at his comment and took out my cellphone to see that I had about 12 messages from Zoe.

"Well I actually have to go back to the apartment. Zoe is having some sort of crisis." He laughed at this, because she is almost always freaking out about something.

"Ok, well I have to go to the library for a bit to study, but I'll see you later yeah?" I nodded and gave him a quick peck before leaving.

When I made it in to the apartment, Zoe practically tackled me. "What what what is it??"

"James' father called our apartment today!" She shrieked.

"So........-" I was confused. I mean, I knew it wasn't common but I wasn't worried,..until now. 

"What did he want?"

"He wants to have dinner with you. Tonight. 8 o'clock. He said that it is important and that you don't tell James."

I have a funny feeling about dinner with Mr. Hudson, especially if James isn't going to be there, and that he is not supposed to know about this. But it is important, so I think I will go and hear him out.


I got the address of the restaurant and googled it to see how I should dress, and it looks fancy. I decided on a light yellow halter style dress with some turquoise earrings, with my hair pulled back in a fishtail style ponytail. It wasn't too fancy, but just enough.

I left and told Zoe the address in case something were to happen, and walked out of the apartment to get a car to take me. Just as I was waiting to get into the elevator, James came out of it. His eyes widened a bit once he saw me, and he was trying to hide his gaze as he looked me up and down.

"And where are you off to?" His voice was a little huskier than usual, a sign that he was a bit overwhelmed.

"I-I have this thing...a.....job interview!" Get it together Tay, that was a horrible excuse.

"Dressed like that?" He did have a point.

"I uh, it's for a job at a five star restaurant."

"Oh, do you want me to drive y-"

"No, no it's ok James. I'm late anyway. I'll see you later." I tried to leave as quickly as possible to escape him. I hated that. That was the first time I had ever lied to him, and I hoped it would be the last because it felt horrible.

I arrived at the restaurant and was escorted to Mr. Hudson's table. He stood when he saw me and outstretched his hand to greet me.

"Ms. Blake, lovely to meet you. I'm Walter Hudson."

"Pleasure to meet you." He gestures for me to sit and I do.

"Ms. Blake, I will be brief because I am meeting a client here in twenty minutes. My son is not someone that I want a girl like you seeing."

I nearly spit out the water I was drinking at this. What?

"I'm sorry, I don't follow. You barely know me and-"

"I know enough Taylor. I know where you come from, what classes you are taking, everything. I may not be extremely close with my son, but I am looking out for his needs and quite frankly, you don't make the cut. I am sure you are a lovely girl, but do you really think that a girl like you belongs with someone like James? I mean, it is very clear to me that you're not, that you are someone that he pities. So if you could do us all a favor and end things before you get too attached."

I am fuming.

"Mr. Hudson, you obviously have done a background check on me, but you have no right to judge my character without getting to know me. As far as your son is concerned, I plan to continue to get to know him and I hope that he has the same feelings for me as I do him. It would be very easy and satisfying for me to blow up at you right here, but unfortunately, one thing that isn't in your file about me is the fact that I am classier than that. I will be letting your son know about this little incident, and I do hope we will be seeing each other at future family gatherings. Have a great evening."

I got up and left and hoped that he didn't see the tears that were threatening to spill as I exited the restaurant.

I pulled out my phone at and called him.

"James?" I couldn't stop the tears from flowing and I heard the worry in his voice.

"Taylor? Are you all right?"

"Can you, can you just come and get me please?"

"I'm on my way."

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