Ch 11

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I had Logan drop me off in front of Hudson Publishing  before I was supposed to meet Taylor for coffee before Literature. It was very early, but I knew that he would be in his office already. I walked in and took in the atmosphere for the first time in about six months. I hate this place and avoid it at all costs.

My father's assistant, Francesca greets me when I approach his office. She has worked here since before I was born and has been a lifelong family friend.

"James! How lovely to see you! Is your father expecting you?"

I go around to the other side of the desk to hug Francesca and shake my head no. "He has no idea. I need to speak with him as soon as he has a free moment if that's ok."

She gives me a warm smile and nods. "You can go in now if you'd like. He is waiting for a client to show up in about 15 minutes so now is a great time. Oh, and great to see you. I'm sure he will be pleased you're here as well."

I then went inside and saw Walter sitting behind his desk with his feet up. He immediately rose when he noticed my presence with a confused look on his face.

'"Son, what are you doing here?"

"Walter, I need to talk to you about something." He then gestures for me to take a seat. I do and then sigh.

"Walter, I need you to tell Nikki to stay away from me. I know that your company needs her father's company, but tell her to stay away. She nearly ruined my chance with someone by introducing herself to my date as my wife."

He chuckled. "Son, that is the least of your problems. You should be focusing on school, not some nobody girl. Maybe Nikki ruining your chances with her was a sign."

I could feel my jaw clench as I balled up my fists with anger. "Do not judge her, you don't even know anything about her! She, she likes me for who I am, not for the number of 0's in my bank account. She is what I want. I have only known her for a short period of time, and she has already made me want to be a better person. So if you choose to tell Nikki to stay away, then thank you. If not, I can't really say I am disappointed, because I am so used to being disappointed by you. Have a great day Walter."

I got up and left and could hear him calling after me as a walked out. I quickly said goodbye to Fran and left. I had Logan drop me off by the coffee house to wait for Taylor. It happened to be snowing and I couldn't be angrier with my father. He always did this to me. He never respected my wishes and always thought he knew what was best for me, without even asking what I wanted.

I was taken out of my daydreaming about feeling sorry for myself when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked to my right and saw Taylor. I was instantly in a better mood.

She looked so adorable. Her grey peacoat brought out the blue in her eyes and her cheeks and nose were pink due to the cold outside.

She took a seat next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"Hi there." I said. She looked up at me and I leaned in to press a light kiss to her lips.

"Ready for the test?"

"Absolutely not." I laughed and she giggled along.

"I will go get us a drink. You open your notes and study!" She got up and went to get the drinks as I pulled out my notebook and dove right in to studying.

*** Taylor ***

I was waiting for our drinks to be ready by the register when I got a call from an unknown number.


"Hello, is this Taylor Blake?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Let me just keep this short Ms. Blake. I understand that your parents, Mason and Mackenzie Blake are both very fond of you and fond of their jobs. Your mother happens to work from home for a publishing company correct? Well that company just happens to be Brown Publishing, my father's company. It would be a real shame to see her lose a job she has kept for years. Just keep that in mind while you continue to date my husband. The choice is yours. Oh, and this is Nikki in case you couldn't tell. And if you tell James about any of this, your dear mother will lose the job immediately. Have a wonderful day!"

To Fall For a City BoyWhere stories live. Discover now