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Rain. Rain is the only thing I can concentrate on right now.

There is a raging storm going on outside of my apartment tonight and I can't even bring myself to change out of my clothes from the club. I sit on my windowsill and stare out, and the tears start to flow. I was so scared when that man had cornered me tonight. If James hadn't been there,- no, don't think about it Tay.

"Taylor?" A voice startles me out of my trance and a look up . It's only James in the doorway, holding two mugs of tea in his hands. He gives me a shy smile and slowly walks toward me.

I make room for him beside me on the windowsill and we sit in comfortable silence for a long while.

"Thank you." I whisper, in an almost inaudible voice.

He runs his hand through his sandy blonde hair and sighs.

"No problem. I'm just glad I could be there to stop that! Who knows what could have happened." The last part sounds almost as if he's frightened for his own life. I look up at him and begin to feel myself start to cry. The moisture runs down my cheeks and before I know what I am doing, I crawl through the small space between us and into his lap. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and sob. I feel like a child, who is seeking any type of shelter and safe haven she can find.

James wraps his arms around me immediately and let's me sob into his t shirt. He smells of a combination of cinnamon and vanilla and it makes me feel more at ease somehow.

After a while of us holding each other and listening to the pouring rain outside, he shifts a little so he sits up, dragging me with him. I look up at him and see that his eyes are wide and probing mine to see what's wrong.

"Sorry, you can leave. I didn't mean to jump on you and make you stay." I stutter at this beautiful man who has given me so much in so little time.

He reaches down to tuck a strand of my wild hair behind my ear.Props to him for daring to touch it, I bet it's a mess. I don't know for sure yet though, I'm not brave enough to face the mirror yet.

"Taylor, I chose to be here. To be with you."


I wake in the middle of the night to booming thunder and lightning. I look around I'm the darkness to try and figure out where I am. Oh. I'm in my room and James is snoring next to me, an arm draped lightly over my waist. We are both fully clothed and it brings a smile to my face that I must have fallen asleep and he didn't leave me.

I get up and walk over to see if Zoe got in safely.

She's snoring and talking in her sleep. Something about vomit in her shoe? I'll ask her later.

I get back into the warm bed and try to get some sleep. The rain continues to pour down and as I roll over onto my side, I feel James' face curl up to the back of my neck and drape an arm over me once again.

I fall asleep immediately and dream of a boy with sandy blonde hair who may have saved my life.

To Fall For a City BoyWhere stories live. Discover now