Just The Beginning

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There was a family

And a dog named Hitch

They weren't poor

They weren't rich

The family contained six

A father, a mother

Two sisters, two brothers

What a fine, healthy mix

The eldest sister

Was very vain

The eldest brother

Had nothing to gain

The younger brother

No less than five

The youngest of them all

The sister who thrived

This family of six

Just happened to be yours

Until your older brother

Drowned himself on the ocean floor

The family of five

All now depressed

Lost the other brother

To some pests

A dreadful accident

It happened to be

It could've been prevented

If you hadn't messed with the bees

Now only four

Soon die, another will

Didn't believe me

Until mother was ill

Your father broke down

Your sister was mean

You did all the chores

In fact, all you did was cook and clean

You grew up smart

So to speak

You loved art

And to read

Your sister dreamed

of Ouran Academy

But she could never go

Because of her vanity

With your smarts

You passed the test

And gained entrance

To the school fit for a princess


Authors Note: Sorry for bad rhyming! Some of those were Rhyme Crimes! I can't stop! Anyways, in case it wasn't clear, every four lines was a stanza, and no, the rest of the fanfic will not be in poem form. Unless you want it to be. I'm planning on doing a Poem for every mood change or something. The regular stories will have Part (whatever) in front of the title of the part, the poems will just have the title.


(4/20/16) Okay in this book I spell Honey as Hunny. I know in the anime it is originally Honey, and I have known that, however when I was writing this I was in the habit of writing Hunny. Sorry if it bothers you but I'm not going through and changing it.

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