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"Tamaki," you poked his sleeping figure. He stirred, but didn't wake. "Tamaki," you tried again, louder this time. "God, Tamaki, I'm not as loud as I used to be! Wake the fuck up already!"
His eyes fluttered open and he was immediately sitting up, a gentle smile on his face.
"Good morning, my princess."
"Don't give me that shit, you know what you've done." You held up the flyer he had racked on Ouran's club bulletin board. "You're giving private lessons on how to be a good host now?"
"Of course! My talents shouldn't go to waste," he claimed, beaming brightly and raising an eyebrow. You sighed and folded the flyer up.
"I know you've been feeling lost recently, but dwelling on the past isn't going to change things. Did you go see the therapist?"
"I'm going today," he replied, looking defeated. You sighed again and took his face in your hands.
"Good, thank you. Alright, I'm going to work. Have a nice day." You got up, smoothing out your dress slacks and taking one last glance at your husband before heading for the door.
"Darling," Tamaki called out, his voice muffled from the blankets covering his form. He smiled and held up her phone. "You forgot your phone."

A/N: Hey guys. I guess I never did finish the sequel to this, so I hope this little piece gives you even MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT THEIR LIFE! No, but I got a little nostalgic going back and reading all of your comments, so I decided to do a short little chapter for old times' sake.

ALSO. I started a new account where I'll be posting my fanfiction from now on. I'd like to think this account was my first step in writing fanfiction, and this new account will be my returning to wattpad. There IS some stuff with OCs, but I hope you'll still read it anyways. Thank you for all your support in my early days, and I hope you'll support me now that I've gotten a little bit better.

My new account is @nautilus5000

Emo Corners and Mushrooms (Tamaki x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now