This Thing Called A Host Club (P22)

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He took a deep breath and....

He said,

"I don't need a clever rhyme

or plan, or song, or special time

to tell you that I love you.

I love you more than you can know,

a love that grows, and shapes, and flows

into the world and in our bond.

I stand here, with no special thought

save all the love my heart has wrought, and say:" he paused, took another shaky breath and got down on one knee.

"(Full name), will you marry me?" He asked, pulling out an engagement ring with a crystal red rose on it.

You were shocked to say the least. But soon, your shock faded into pure happiness, and you jumped into his arms. He laughed in relief.

"I'm guessing that's a no then?"

"Shut up. You know full well it's a yes." You said kissing him. He smiled at you and took you hand. He slid the ring on your finger and kissed your hand gently.

The wedding went splendidly. No objections, no second thoughts,  long dancing, beautiful gowns, delicious cake. It was beautiful, and so was your future. You graduated at the top of your class, Tamaki a close second.  Two years later, you were living a happy family. six kids. It was hard work. Especially the twins.


ten years later.

"I'm only 33 Tamaki. I'm not considered old until I'm 34 like you."

"We'll that wasn't very nice, princess." Tamaki said laughing.

"Hey mom, dad." Your twin boys said in chorus.

"Hey, what'd you do at school today?" You asked them curiously.

"We joined this thing called a host club."

A/N: Sorry the end was so short! I'm sorry this is the end! I loved writing this! And you guys were so supportive. I love you all! Please go read some if my other fanfictions! Especially Stockholm Syndrome, my Romano x Reader. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Goodbye.

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