Paintball (P20)

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      Hopefully, Masazumi was the last girl who was going to try to break you and Tamaki up. Sadly, no. You had fangirls after you. You ran through the halls and into Music Room #3. Where you found something interesting. This girl in black leather... everything, kissing your boyfriend. You cleared your throat and they broke apart. You rose your eyebrows accusingly. Tamaki stared at you. The girl had long straight black hair and heavy makeup. You just shook your head. 

"Tamaki, didn't we just go through this? I didn't cheat on you with Hikaru, and I proved it with a laptop and a camera. But, seriously?" You said, trying not to kill the girl.

"It isn't what it looks like, (Y/n). I can explain." He said quickly.

"That can't be good. Who are you?" You asked the girl.

"Im Charlotte, his fiance." She said. You looked back at Tamaki, eyebrows raised, giving him a, "Oh, really?" look.

"Really? He hasn't mentioned you. I'm pretty sure if he did, I wouldn't be here right now. But sadly, he didn't, and the only thing we ended up with, is a really awkward situation." You said.

"Sorry you didn't know."

"Yeah, you should be, because if I know Tamaki, he would've told me."

"Well, then I guess you don't know him like I do."

"Arranged, right?"

"Yeah. Got a problem with that, (y/n), was it?"

"Yeah, yes, and at least its arranged. Tell you what, leave the school, and I won't get up in your face, or don't and you get hurt."

"I have to say, (y/n), you're more than Masazumi cut you out to be. But, I call your bluff."

"Masazumi? She's behind this? Well, as you may know, she's a joke. And so, in honor of Masazumi getting burned like everyone else who gets in my way, we'll handle it like a joke. Got any ideas, Sa5m-the-5-is-silent?" You said. She smirked.

"Paintball, benchrest field behind the gym." She said. You laughed and shoved her out of the music Room. Then you turned your glare on Tamaki.

"Wow. I'm assuming you never met her before?"


"Yeah, I could tell by the way you totally kissed her back."

"I didn't!"

"Yeah, you did, Tamaki, I could tell. Hey, don't worry about it, cause I know you don't actually love her, which will come in handy when we kick her ass at that paintball game." Your phone beeped. You picked it up and read it.

Sa5m: Hi, it's Sam-the-5-is-silent.

You: I could tell. You know that's a reference to a movie, right?

Sa5m: Yeah, it's my favorite. I'm here to text you the deets of the paintball game. Its tomorrow at 6:00. Three rounds. Two teams. Two flags. If you get hit anywhere on your vest, you're dead. Oh and the teams consist of 7 people. And you can't pick all of the hosts, because that's just, uncool.

You: You got it.

"I'm screwed."


"I need seven people and I can only use a few of the hosts. Wait. I have people." You took your phone out and made a few calls.

<Start epic montage>

You stood in front of the hosts.

Emo Corners and Mushrooms (Tamaki x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now