(P4) The Last Wound Stops the War

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Tamaki's POV

I wonder how (name) is taking her notebook? Kyoya helped me on that one. He told me she would, at most, hurl in front of her class. Although, I admit, the pen mishap was humiliating, she could've done worse. I guess she just isn't the prankster type. Well, neither am I. I was thinking about this in class, when I shifted, the tiniest bit, and I felt something powdery go down my back. I immediately started to itch and that's when I knew what that powder was. How'd she get it to occur right after the pen situation? I fidgeted a bit, causing it to fall down farther. I itched my back slightly, only to have it turn in to me spazzing out in front of the class. The teacher told me to sit down, so I took off my blazer and emptied it of the white powder. I tried to think of (name)'s eyes as evil, but she kept popping up dressed like a princess. I couldn't even think devil horns on her. Then I remembered that this blazer was the twins' and I realized they are helping her. I need to watch out from now on.

Your POV

You felt sick all day. Unfortunately for Tamaki, it didn't embarrass you, you actually got sympathy. Some people even requested you sit with them at lunch. As you sat down with some people, Tamaki came over and sat next to you, patting you on the back.

"I heard what happened.' He claimed. You rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but no harm done! I actually have people to sit with at lunch now because of it!" You excaim. He sweatdropped and rose from the seat. Without turning around, you grabbed his tie, pulled his face down near yours, and whispered, "Backfire," into his ear before letting him go. He smirked before leaving.

In the hall, people laughed at you. You had no idea why. The pointed at you and snickered behind your back. One guy actually kicked you. 'Why'd he kick me?' You thought. A clear answer struck your mind like a lightning bolt. Your hand reached up to your back and pulled the sign off. "Kick Me" it read. Classic. You turned the paper over in your hand to see cursive writing.

"Good grief, Tamaki." you muttered as you read the note on it. 

"To (name). Enjoy!" The paper read. below it was a 'T' and you knew who had done it. I mean who else? 'Why not put your entire name, Tamaki?' you thought, puzzling over the fact. You rushed to the host club to watch your prank unfold, only to see Haruhi about to open the door.

"Wait! Haruhi!" you yell. He stops and looks at you.

"Let Tamaki open it first. I set up a prank for him." You explain, gesturing to the water bucket. Haruhi steps back and you pull him back behind a bush. Tamaki approaches the door and opens it with a  dramatic flare that is soon sqaundered by a water bucket. He glares and removes the bucket. You step from the bush, laughing your head off. He turns to you, glaring with fire. You stop laughing and raise an eyebrow.

"What happened to you boss?!" the twins say between fits of laughter as they come down the hall. He growls and walks in the host club. Conveniently, no one had a spare, so Tamaki had to do his job wet. And, soon, sleeveless.

The host club opened, letting fangirls rush to their hosts. many asked why Tamaki was wet, but no one answered. You watched closely and the last of the sleeve threads unwound and his right sleeve came unattached, then his left. He had alot of explaining to do to his guests. He didnt mention who he was warring with, just the war itself. He didnt need "help" from his guests. 

    After guests left, Kyoya waved you over. He handed you an envelope. You didnt read who it was from, you just read it.

Miss (last name),

      We are sorry to announce the death of Richard Melvin (last name), your father. One of our cars was sent by to pick up his body.

     Witnesses and Police

  You glared at the note. You ripped it to shreds and looked at the envelope. This time, Tamaki put his entire name. 'Why didnt he put his entire name on the sign then?' you puzzled. then, your phone buzzed. It was you sister. She never called. You answered it and she told you everything.

"Wait, what?!" you screamed.

"A black car? Ran over dad?! Is he okay?! Ill be there. I just have something I have to do." you cried into your phone. you hung up and stuffed it in your bag. You stomped up to Tamaki and slapped him. HARD across the face.

"BAKA! You sent a black car for your prank? About how my dad died?! YOUR F*CKING DRIVER RAN OVER MY DAD! THAT ISNT A PRANK!" you scream at him, slapping him again, before running out the door. 

You ran to the hospital, only to see your dad covered in blood. You knew he wasnt going to survive.

Later that night, you got a text from Tamaki.

Tamaki: What happened?


Tamaki: (name)


Tamaki: I never actually sent a car.

Me: Wait, what?

Tamaki: You keep jumping to conclusions, and frankly im getting tired of it.

Me: Then whose car was it?

Tamaki: I dont know. But whoever it was either accidently hit him, or hit him on purpose. Does he have any enemies?

Me: Why should I tell you?! First with the Notebook, then the Sign, and so you have lost my trust.

Tamaki: You never had mine in the first place. and what happened with the second one?


Tamaki: I only did the letter to scare the h*ll out of you. and the notebook!

Me: That means someone else did the sign. Someone else knew about our war.

Tamaki: Didnt the twins help you?

Me: ....... THOSE B@$T@RD$! 

Tamaki: Why'd they hurt you and not me?

Me: They did attack you. They helped me get the itching powder in the blazer, they let me borrow the same blazer for the water sensitive sleeves, AND they placed the invisible ink pens in your bag. They were just evening the score.

Tamaki: Oh.

Me: That sign had a 'T' on it and I figured it was you, but I think it might have also stood for twins.

Tamaki: That would make sense. Cease fire? I think thats enough for one week.

Me: Fine. but this doesnt mean Im your friend.

Tamaki: -_- I can live with that.

~~~Tamaki has left the chatroom~~~

You shut off your phone and lay down in your bed and doze off.


Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for really bad pranks, I am not a prankster! And if there are mistakes in spelling and grammer, its because I am doing this on my computer and not my phone. Cant wait to write more! Cya!

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