Say You Love Me (P21)

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A/N: Major time skip. From where it was last chapter to now, nothing interesting happened except for a few dates, a lot of fangirls, and lots of kissing. It has been one year. You are now in college.

You sat in your dorm room, buried in a pile of homework. You heard your phone buzz and gladly took a break from your swimming pool of papers and books.

Tamaki: Long time no see.

You: It's only been a month Tamaki, how's your waiter job going?

Tamaki: Great. I meet a lot of people and i work with a guy who's actually french. His name is Francis.

You: He sounds like a pervert.

Tamaki: He definitely is affectionate. What's going on with you?

You: Lot's of homework. Who knew music colleges gave so much of it?

Tamaki: Yeah. I thought business was going to be something I liked, but it really isn't. So, I'm transferring colleges.

You: You can do that?

Tamaki: Yeah. Well, you seem like you should get back to homework, so I'll leave you alone.

You: Okay, bye.

You put down your phone and turned back to the massive pile of worksheets before you on your desk. You continued to work until you got another text.

Kyoya: How's school going for you?

You: Fine. What's wrong?

Kyoya: I'm not sure why anything would be wrong.

You: You don't text me unless theres something I should be worried about.

Kyoya: Why would you say that?

You: Well, you've only texted me a few times since we met. Tamaki's engagements, fan girls, etc.

Kyoya: Smart. Yes, there is something wrong.

You: Spill.

Kyoya: Tamaki actually has an arranged marriage. He doesn't know about it though.


Kyoya: Calm down, as long as they don't marry each other in the next month, the arrangement should be broken. That was the deal that was made.

You: Oh, thats good. Wait, what's the catch.

Kyoya: The girl Tamaki is supposed to marry goes to your school.

You: So? Tamaki goes to a business school.

Kyoya: Didn't he tell you? He's transferring.

You: ...Please don't say he's transferring here....

Kyoya: ...

You: Dammit. Who is she.

Kyoya: Her name is Caroline Washwell. 

You: DAMMIT. She's my roommate. 

Kyoya: Good luck, (name).

You: I'll need it. Bye.

Kyoya: Goodbye.

You picked up your guitar and strummed a few random chords. You thought for a moment before starting to play a song.

"Haven't seen you since high school

Good to see you're still beautiful
Gravity hasn't started to pull
Quite yet I bet you're rich as hell

One that's five and one that's three
Been two years since he left me
Good to know that you got free
That town I know was keeping you down on your knees

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to let you in again
You're not alone in how you've been
Everybody loses, we all got bruises
We all got bruises

Have you seen him? Not in years
How about her? No but I hear
She's in Queens with the man of her dreams
Funny back then she said that about you

Que sera you'll never guess who I saw
Remember Haruhi remember her we were best friends practically
Let's do this soon again, ten years is that what it's been?
Can't believe how time flies by
Leaving you makes me wanna cry

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to let you in again
You're not alone in how you've been
Everybody loses, we all got bruises
We all got bruises

I would love to fix it all for you
I would love to fix you too
Please don't fix a thing whatever you do

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to know you've got a friend
That you remember now and then
Everybody loses

These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates
It's good to let you in again
You're not alone in how you've been
Everybody loses,everybody loses, everybody loses
We all got bruises, We all got bruises, We all got bruises"

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