Catching Up (P7)

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The rest of the formal went on, and you escaped back to the party. You found all your friends sitting in a circle, a photo book in (friend name's) hand. They looked up at you and (male friend)'s name asked what was wrong.

"The guy found my phone on a school couch and had to return it," you state simply. It wasn't the complete truth, but it wasn't a lie either. you joined the circle and peered down at the book in your friend's hand. On the page, there was a picture of you, (friend's name), and (male friend's name) at your first birthday. You almost cried.

"Blow out the candles, (name)!" your mom said. You didn't understand her. She rolled her eyes and went up to you, who was currently wearing (favorite colour/colour) footies and sat in front of a chocolate cake, in between (m/f/n) and (f/n). You watched her intently, waiting for her to tell you to do something. Instead, she wiggled a feather from a boa in front of your nose and you sneezed blowing out the candles. Everyone clapped. You had wondered why they were clapping because you sneezed.

When (f/n) turned the page, you saw a picture of your fourth birthday, then your fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, twelfth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth. You also saw pictures of your old high school and pictures of (bully name).

You were walking down the halls when (b/n) shoved you up against the wall. Well, her lackey did. She would never break her perfect fingernail. You had dealt with her then, just like you deal with Miranka now. Everyone compared you to your sister. Especially (b/n). Your sister was her idol. Up until (sis name) found out and told her off. Then, (b/n) worshipped another older girl.

Then, your junior prom.

You stepped into the courtyard, as pretty as a doll. pissed that your date didn't show up to pick you up. You looked around the courtyard for him, when you found him. He was dancing, but with someone else. You looked around people to see (b/n). Now you were super pissed. You walked straight up to him and confronted him, but he just brushed you off, acting like he had no idea what you were talking about and said (b/n) was his date. When you had looked at (b/n), she just smirked, and continued dancing.

You had flipped through many pages, each with a different year on them. There was one page left, and they wanted to fill it tonight. Your friends had a plan. They didn't know about that moment with Tamaki. Heck, they could've thought he was a stranger. So, later, they locked you in a closet with (male friend's name). He was advancing towards you, backing you up against a wall. You were scared, although you'd never admit it. Before you could object, he pressed his lips against yours in a sloppy kiss. You shoved him off and dodged his attempts to grab you as you ran at the door at full speed, (male friend's name) chasing you. You tried to break the door down, but the door was opened before you could attempt it. You said a quick thank you to whoever opened the door and ran off as fast as your legs would take you. Once you were safely away from the closet and courtyard, you started walking. You kept walking until you came upon a gazebo in the other courtyard. You walked up to it and sat down, starting to cry. You had cried many times before, and knew how to deal with it. To stop crying, you had always thought about all the things you were good at.

'Instruments, Singing, Cleaning, Bench Rest, Cooking- Wait... Bench Rest... Where was that again?' You got up and walked through the hallways, until you found a door that led outside and was labeled 'Bench Rest Range'. You pushed the door open to see the familiar metal disks with holes no bigger than the bullet itself hanging from tree branches (Course designed by the student council), the sturdy wooden benches sitting a ways away from the disks. You grabbed a rifle and some clear safety glasses. Loading the rifle, you slipped on the glasses and laid down on your stomach, placing the front and back rest of the rifle on a bench. you had ten minutes to shoot five shots, each miss would be measured in thousandths of an inch. You looked through the scope and aimed, firing a round consistently through the hole, none missing. You sighed in relief and got up, taking off the glasses. When you turned around, you saw... Tamaki?

"I thought you had left." You said simply as you put the rifle away and placed the glasses in a bucket. He just shook his head. You pulled the door open and walked back inside, Tamaki tailing you.

"Well, I'm leaving, so see you-" You were interrupted by some laughing. Who ever was laughing was coming down the hall way.

"She's so desperate! I mean (male friend's name)? Really?" more laughing. You'd recognize those laughs anywhere. It was (b/n). You wanted to avoid this as much as possible, so you grabbed Tamaki's hand and dragged him into a nearby classroom. You peered out the window and saw (b/n) with her two lackeys, and a smirking (f/n). You audibly growled, but ducked when they looked at the door. You crossed your fingers, but they opened the door. You dove under a table, taking Tamaki with you.

"Who's there?" (b/n) said. You held your breath, hoping they wouldn't hear you. Sadly, they found you.

"Oh, well look who it is." (b/n) teased. You glared at her.

"Oh, and who's this, are you cheating on (m/f/n)?" she asked.

"As much as you'd love for me to say yes, I have to burst your bubble and say I'M SINGLE (b/n)! I don't have a boyfriend." You stated.

"I can see why. You should really do what you did with your hair when you were here. You know, the style where your bangs hid your face. It looked a lot better on you than when everyone can see your face."

"My face is your face, for I am just a mirror." (b/n) stared at you in confusion, then scoffed and went away. You stood up and walked out, completely forgetting about Tamaki. You managed to forget about him, up until you started to walk home.

"You're going to walk home?"

"Yes, now go away."

"I can't let you do that, it would be ungentlemanly of me."

"Don't worry, I wont tell that you weren't a gentleman once in your life." You said, walking down the sidewalk. Just then, it started to rain.

"REALLY?!" You shouted at the sky, before sighing and continuing to walk down the sidewalk.

"Your house is two miles away!"

"Don't worry! I'm not considering letting you take me home! You've caused me enough trouble as it is!" You said, stopping to take your shoes off before continuing to run down the sidewalk. You could hear him sigh before he called up a car.


Once you opened the door, you were greeted by an angry sister and cleaning. Tomorrow would be filled with so many chores. It would be long.


A/N: Sorry it's taking me so long to write these. I have school, and I have 0 ideas. Next one should be published today or tomorrow, so cross your fingers! I said I'd write more based on how many views, but this part is split into two parts, or it would be a very long part.

Total word count including author's note: 1284


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