Keyboard (P9)

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Returning to school on Monday was a difficult task. I avoided the hosts, but it was harder than I thought because the twins and Haruhi (Whom I found out was a girl yesterday) sit behind me in class. Also, I got dragged to their dwelling. I had eventually gotten out, but it took my entire lunch period. So I ended up not eating lunch.

Going home was harder, because I walk the same route as Tamaki before the road splits. Trying to evade that (which I normally do since he has the host club, but recently, the host club hadn't been meeting in the afternoon because they were setting up for a festival), I tried going later, but, conveniently, he had to stay to help with the festival, so he ended up going home the same time I did.

I snuck out of the doors, trying to avoid being seen by the blonde haired boy walking down the hall towards me. 'What is he doing here this late?' I thought to myself. I started walking away from Ouran, hoping he wouldn't see me as he passed by the doors, but, to no avail.


Darn. I turned around to see Tamaki standing in the open doorway.

"What?" I said casually, as if I wasn't just trying to avoid him.

"What are you doing at Ouran this late?"

"I could ask you the same question. Recently, you've been going home early."

"I was helping Kyoya plan."

"Cool." I turned around again and started walking.

"Hey! Wait for me!" he yelled after me. I didn't stop.

"I don't really want to." I called over my shoulder. Sadly, he was next to me in a matter of seconds. I sighed in annoyance, pretending to not care. I couldn't wait to meet that split in the road. We had been walking in silence for a bit, before he broke it, much to my annoyance.

"So, are you coming to the festival?" he asked. I sighed in more annoyance ((You are very annoyed)).

"No. For your information, I hate dances, formals, festivals, carnivals, and anything of the sort."

"You seemed perfectly fine with the one at your old school." I froze mid step. He took a few more steps before realizing I had stopped and turned to look at me. I felt my face heat up as I looked away.

"That was different." After I was completely sure my face was its usual colour, I continued walking, past Tamaki, right to the fork.

After getting home, I headed straight up to my room. I sat down at a keyboard and played Imagine Dragons' "Radioactive" (Synthesia style)((Which btw is actually impossible, but you're awesome so you can do it. It's really cool.))

I hadn't heard the doorbell, or the feet up the stairs, or the knock on my door, so I hadn't noticed the person standing in my doorway. When I finished, I heard applause, which scared the living daylights out of me and jumped out of my chair, grabbed a sword hanging on my wall and pointed it at the person in my doorway. Tamaki backed away immediately. I sighed and placed the sword back on my wall. I unplugged my keyboard and turned to look at him.

"What do you want?"

"You dropped this. Again. When you bolted." He held out my phone. I sighed in exasperation and took my phone back.

"Thank you." I muttered, then shoved my phone back in my bag. He didn't move.

"Is there something else you wanted?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head. I knew he wasn't going to leave. And I also knew what he wanted.

"Well if you aren't going to leave, then I'm going to continue practicing and pretending you're not here."

Plugging in the keyboard again, I started playing really badly and singing really badly. After about two minutes of a weird remix of 'Let it Go', I stopped playing and looked at Tamaki.

"That was beautiful." He commented sarcastically.

''Thank you." I replied, taking a bow while sitting down and unplugging the keyboard. Standing up, I stretched and checked the time.

"You should probably leave." I advised. He looked at his watch and nodded, getting up from his previous position on my floor and walking out the door.

Emo Corners and Mushrooms (Tamaki x Reader Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora