(P3) When the First Shots are Fired

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You had never planned something so devious. You had switched his pens' ink to invisible

Ink, put itching powder in his blazer (which the twins helped you with), and borrowed a spare blazer from the twins and you undid the sleeve stitching, re-sewing it with water sensitive thread. The kind that evaporates when water came in contact with it. You had also placed a bucket of water above the host club door, knowing he was always the first one in the room, thanks to Haruhi. You met Tamaki where you were supposed to meet him. You had brought along a staining drink. You spotted him and turned to look over your shoulder, bumping into him 'accidentally' and spilling the drink all over him. You put on an apologetic face.

"I'm SO sorry, senpai! Look at me. Already ruining your day and we haven't even started the war yet!" You say. On cue, the twins walk around the curb and see Tamaki's stain.

"Boss, do you need a new blazer? We have an extra..." They say, fishing out the sabotaged one. Tamaki takes it and leaves for a few minutes before coming back. The twins had left, and you were sitting in the grass. When you saw him you stood up, offering your hand.

"May the best man win." You say, competitively.

"I will, since I'm the only man here." He counters.

"Are you positive about that? You could've just as easily looked good in my spare girls' uniform."

"Please. You can barely afford the one."

"Who's being classist now?" You retort, spinning on your heel and walking into the school.

Tamaki's POV

I wondered what she had in store for me. She seemed nice, but she could just as easily be evil behind those, beautiful, absorbing, (e/c) eyes... I MEAN, DARK AND HIDEOUS! I started taking notes. I wrote a sentence and looked back up at the board for the next, but when I looked down, the notes I had previously taken were gone. I looked at my pen for a moment, before seeing a neatly rolled up sticky note around the ink container. I unscrewed my pen and saw a note.

"Better luck next time. The girl beside you had a pen." It read. Below it was an ink drop drawn in dotted lines. I crushed the piece of paper in my hand and asked the girl for her pen. She handed me a felt, daisy pen and I quickly prepared to write. When I pressed down, however water shot from the daisy, squirting me in the face. The class erupts into laughter, but is soon quieted by the teacher. I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I look up, I see a girl I recognize from the host club handing me a regular pen. I make sure everything works before copying notes.

Your POV

You had different classes than Tamaki, so you couldn't watch his reactions, but you were sure they were hilarious. You pulled out your notebook, ready for class, when you smelled something on your notebook that made your stomach hurt. It smelled like... like.... oh no. Petunias. You felt something slick come up your throat, but you made it just in time to the trashcan. You were sent to the nurses office, where they called home. Of course, your dad was too busy to take you home, and your sister couldn't drive, so the nurse said to power through it. Just for today. You smiled at her and left the room.

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