Roomies (P13)

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It's been 2 weeks since the men came and murdered the rest of your family. You were kicked out of your house. You had to walk to Ouran. None of your friends knew. Except Kyoya, of course, who notified the entire host club. So, one night, you stared at your phone dramatically before turning it on and texting Tamaki.

You: Hey.

Tamaki: Hey, are you doing alright?

You: Yeah. Cardboard boxes are comfortable, surprisingly.

Tamaki: 0.0 You're sleeping on boxes?!

You: No. I'm joking, but speaking of sleeping, do you mind if I stay with you for a bit? It's okay if you say no, I understand completely.

Tamaki: Of course! :)

You: Thank you!

Tamaki: I can come get you, if you tell me where you are.

You: The alley off of Haruhi's street.

Tamaki: Okay, I'll be there in five minutes.

You put your phone down on the ground beside you. You were hungry, you were thirsty, you needed a shower (not so much that you smelled though). Let's just say you were happy to get out of here. You were walking to the front of the alley when you felt a hand grab your wrists and pull them behind you back, while the other was placed over your mouth. You attempted to scream, but you weren't very loud. You stomped on the persons foot, but they didn't let go. They pressed you (face first) up against a wall. You felt a tear roll down your cheek and you brought your leg up HARD in between the persons legs. They let go of you and took a moment to recover before they started wrestling you. Just when they were about to win, you heard footsteps coming into the alley and a very familiar voice shouting "STARLIGHT KICK!" before the dude you had been wrestling flew to the side.

"I'm glad I didn't say no to letting you stay with me." You looked up to see Tamaki. You smiled at him, before he picked you up bridal style (BRIIDAL STYYYALL) and took you to his car.

Time Skip-

When you got to his house, he gave you a room to stay in, and let you use the shower. You sat on the bed and reached in your pocket, remembering the one thing you managed to get from those freaks in black. That amulet. You had no idea how you got it without them noticing, but it happened. A few minutes later Tamaki came in and sat on the bed next to you.

"Is the room to your liking?" He asked. You stared at him in disbelief.

"It's the size of my entire upstairs floor. Yes." Tamaki laughed and looked at the amulet in your hands.

"What's that?"

"Umm.." You said, trying to decide whether or not you should tell him. He'll find out sooner or later, and if I don't tell him now, he might get mad.

"When I got home that day..." You told him everything about Agent 46 and the amulet that you knew. He stared at you.

"Wow. That is not what I was expecting."

"I doubt that would be what anyone was expecting." You turned the amulet over in your hands.

"Oh, by the way, I'm having all of your stuff driven in tomorrow." Your eyes lit up. You hugged him.

"Oh thank you! You're a life saver!" He chucked and got up, leaving you to yourself.

Time Skip-

The first day back at Ouran, everyone looked at you, and they whispered to each other. You walked towards the host club, and as you walked through the halls, everyone made a path for you. You were kind of alone, until, about half way there, the twins caught up with you, picked you up, and whizzed you to the host club. You stared at them skeptically.

"What?" They looked at you.

"You are wanted dead by Tamaki fangirls, secret agents, and Miranka (who is a HUGE Tamaki fangirl, but she deserves to be written separately because she hate's you on a level like no other). Fangirls because you're now technically living with him, secret agents because of reasons we don't know, and Miranka because she found out it was us."

"Back up, how do you guys know about the secret agents?"

"Kyoya." You glared daggers at said person.

"And how long have you known?" You asked Kyoya pointedly.

"Probably before you." He answered, his black book opened. You glared at him even more, slowly moving towards him.

"And how much do you know?"

"As much as you do, I presume. You have the location of The Philosopher's Stone and the key to open the chamber. It's supposedly a myth-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, what? What Philosopher's Stone?" You asked him, prying for information.

"Well, then I know more."

"Tell me as much as you know."

"I'm afraid that's all I know." He said, closing his book. You looked around at the rest of the host club, except for Tamaki, who hadn't arrived yet, before sighing, throwing your hands up in the air, before walking out of door, passing Tamaki on the way out. You overheard him asking what was wrong with you to the host club before the door shut. You sunk down onto the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest. You didn't know what to do.

A/N: Sorry if its a little short. I had no idea what to do for this one. It just kind of happened as I went along. Just to be clear, no one knows your a secret agent. Except for the host club. So, yeah, hope you liked this short chapter and who knows when I'll write next. I'll search for inspiration. I normally help my sibling with roleplaying ideas, so maybe I'll use one for a bonus chapter that has nothing to do with the story. Tell me what you think.

Word count including authors note: 974

Hope you enjoyed, tell me what you think, vote, etc.



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