Deja Vu? (P17)

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Next Year~

You looked over at Tamaki.  You were both in the same class this year, and you were happy about it. Masazumi watched you from afar. She was waiting for the right moment, you could tell. You smoothed out your girls uniform and ran a hand through your (h/c) hair. You wrote your assignment neatly, but quickly down on the notebook you used for English. Once the bell rang for lunch, you grabbed your bag and walked over to Tamaki. He stood up and smiled, taking your hand and kissing it lightly. You blushed slightly as other girls gave you glares. You walked with him to lunch, where you say with the rest of the host club. You sat down before Tamaki, as he had to go buy his lunch. The twins sat on either side of you, placing their elbows on your shoulders and started talking to you. You pulled out (something you eat with a fork or spoon) and took your (fork/spoon) out of your lunch box and taking a bit of the food, but before you could get it to your mouth, one of the twins took your (fork/spoon), tilted your chin up, and fed it to you. You watched the situation unfold:

"DONT TOUCH MY PRINCESS YOU PERVERTS!" You heard the twins laughing as Tamaki flew into a fit of rage. You took this moment to steal back your (fork/spoon) and continue eating your lunch. Tamaki settled down after a bit. It had seemed he forgot everything too. Everything about your past life. Everything that you went through. He cared so much about you, that he forgot when you did. He loved seeing you the way you'd been when you first met him.

"(NAME), TELL ME YOU ARENT OKAY WITH THEM TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU LIKE THAT!" Tamaki shouted. You chuckled,"Don't be so hard on them Tamaki. They only fed me." Next thing you knew, Tamaki was mumbling to himself in a corner.

"Shady twins taking my beloved (name) away from me..." He muttered. You laughed again and shook your head. You walked over to Tamaki in his corner and sat down next to him and leaned against him. He smiled softly. You used to do that a lot more often. He wrapped an arm around you and you leaned into him. Until your phone buzzed. You sighed.

"Part of me just wants to ignore that."He stood up, smiled and offered you a hand. You stood up and pulled out your phone.

Masazumi: Stop. Or you'll regret it.

Me: How did you get my number?

Masazumi: That's for me to know. Anyways, back off. I'm not our typical fangirl. I can rip you apart.

Me: That's what Miranka said. She transferred because of me.

After you sent it, Tamaki took it from you and read it. He frowned.

"Is that girl giving my princess a hard time?!" He said loudly. You jumped for your phone.

"No! She's fine!" Tamaki didn't quite believe you. Your phone buzzed again. He read it.

Masazumi: Just remember who I am, freak. I'm an Ayanokoji!

Tamaki froze. He ran over to Kyoya and started talking with him. Soon, the twins joined the conversation. In unison they all looked at you. You rose an eyebrow, before gathering up the courage to walk over there. 

"What? Who's this Ayanokoji chick?"Kyoya spoke up to answer.

"The first week we met Haruhi, a girl with the name Ayanokoji was banned from the host club because she was jealous of Haruhi. We banned her more specifically because of her behavior towards Haruhi."

"Is it the same person?"

"No. She's worse. She's her sister. Her sister has a reputation for revenge. Public Humiliation, Pain, you name it, she's done it." Kyoya said. Okay, you were slightly more scared.

"And if you're getting warnings from her, she's about to do something bad." The twins said. You raised both eyebrows.

"Probably to get Tamaki." They continued. Tamaki was unusually silent. You looked at him. He gripped your shoulders.

"How long has this been going on?" He said firmly.

"Since the end of last year, why?" They all looked at each other. And Tamaki called an emergency meeting in music room three.

"Listen up men and beloved daughter! My precious princess (name) has been targeted by a very dangerous fangirl! We must protect her at all costs! I call it Operation Protect the Princess!" You sweat drop.

"Is this really necessary?" You piped up.

"Clearly she doesn't understand the importance of the situation!" The twins whisper shouted to Tamaki. They walked over to you and put their hands on your head.

"If she gets you, it'll feel like death. Not in physical pain though." You rose both of your eyebrows. You looked over at Tamaki, who was practically blowing steam. How could he react to something so simple as to their hands on your head? Tamaki went on to explain the plan after cooling off.

The next day~

Tamaki had decided that at least two hosts would accompany you around the hallways, he would walk you home, they would all eat lunch in Music Room Three, and that you should never be left alone. He even had Haruhi accompany you into the girls bathroom (not in the stall, just in the bathroom). You noticed how small pranks kept popping up. Probably because the hosts were near by. You knew once they let up, you'd be hunted. And that was sooner than expected. She had gotten them out of the way first. She got the twins sick, Mori and Hunny were flown off to who knows where, and she got Kyoya's dad to keep him home. Haruhi had some children to take care of, and, how to deal with Tamaki? She had his grandmother chain him to his bed so he wouldn't go to school. Well, at one point, she ended up drugging your water while you were eating lunch in music room three. She pulled out a permanent marker and held it to your forehead and began to write. She only got halfway through the word before Tamaki got there.Bed and all. She tried not to laugh, but continued writing until she was finished. Tamaki was angry. No, more than that. He was FURIOUS. He slammed his heel down onto the chain and broke it and ran after Masazumi. He tackled her and almost choked her to death. If it weren't for Kyoya. Who managed to escape his dad. Lucky for Masazumi. She smirked and ran. He ran back in to see you still asleep. You were so adorable when you were sleeping. He shook his head and looked at what she wrote on her head.

Agent 46

Tamaki ran to the bathroom and got a wet paper towel and tried to scrub it off. It wouldn't come off.

"Tamaki. It won't come off for another week." Kyoya said. Tamaki let a tear fall.

"We can't have her see it!" He shouted.

"I know Tamaki. I found a cleaner online. It should be here in a couple of days. Just keep her from seeing it until then." Kyoya said. Tamaki sighed. It was about to get worse.The next day, Tamaki forbade you from looking in mirrors and insisted you wore a hat to cover your forehead. You had no idea why. The cleaner came in the mail and they were able to get it off your forehead by the next day, but Masazumi struck again. This time though, she paid three guys to attack you. Luckily, you were faster than them, and ended up outrunning them on your way home. But she had more tricks up her sleeve. She sent stalkers, she put poisonous snakes in your bed, she put urine in your locker, she restitched your entire dress with the same thread you had used on Tamaki, and she dumped water on you, leaving you in your underwear (you got to the bathroom and put on a spare uniform), she locked you in your car and tear gassed it, she egged your mansion, she stole your purse, she put you on a dating site and said you were 47, and finally, she had someone tip off Tamaki about a meeting with a guy in the auditorium, and he thought you were cheating on him. You had a fun time explaining that to a very depressed Tamaki in a corner.

"Tamaki, I was meeting with a kid who is studying psychology, he says he can help me with my problem. I wouldn't cheat on you! You're the only guy I let call me princess. The others would be transferring the next day." He looked sadly at you.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded and braced yourself for a glomp. He stood up and hugged you like a normal person. You hugged him back hesitantly.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he said. You pulled away and looked at him. You spotted something over his shoulder. It was Masazumi. She glared at you, crossed her arms, then turned and walked away. You knew she wasn't done. Not until her final attack. And it was coming.

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