The Dream (P8)

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Your POV

When I opened my eyes, I was in a different house. In different clothes. And, when I looked in the mirror, I looked completely different. I now had (other h/c) hair, (other e/c) eyes, and I was wearing some dirty rags.

"(y/n)!" I heard someone call.

"What?!" I called back.

"Don't you take that tone with me! Get down here and finish your chores!" The voice called back. I looked around, vaguely familiar with the setting, although I couldn't put my finger on where I was...

"(Y/N)! Quit lollygagging and come wash your sister's dress for the ball!" Ball? Sister? Where have I heard this? Shaking off the thoughts, I ran downstairs and came face to face with....

Renge Houshakuji?

She thrust a piece of paper at me. I took it and it unfolded and dropped to the floor.

"Here's the list of things you need to do before you can go to the ball." Then it hit me. I'm in Cinderella. Wait, IM IN CINDERELLA?!

"Um, ok."

"Okay, what?"


"Disrespectful hag."

"Oh, ok ma'am."

"Thank you." and with that, she left. I started cleaning, still trying to convince myself it wasn't real. I wasn't doing a very good job. After I mopped the floors, swept the basement, cleaned the attic, washed the windows, scrubbed the floors, did the laundry, hung the laundry to dry, made my sister's bed up, cleaned the bathroom, served lunch, picked up beads, fed the animals, sang a song (which wasn't on the list, by the way), and swept the barn, I made it down to 'finish your sister's dress.' I headed up to the attic, where I saw it before and began working on it. It was an olive green dress with yellow accents and a poofy skirt. It was also very ugly.

Time Skip~~~~

This dress took me forever. And I have also decided that this is real, because I have pinched myself many times, my arm is red, and I also haven't woken up. Since I had a bit more time, and also since I finished that really long list of chores, I went along with the story and made MY dress, but I didn't put too much thought into it. Throwing it on and running downstairs, I got to the coach before it left. My sister stepped out and started yelling.

"That fabric is mine! Those beads are mine!" She ripped apart the dress. I shrugged and left. I heard the coach rolling off into the distance. Returning to the attic, I began to wait for my fairy godmother. And finally when she came, she wore a cloak. Okay, so you'd normally picture her figure being short and round, but I don't really know anyone like that, so the figure was tall and thin. By her position, I could tell she was holding something underneath her cloak.

"I'm guessing you're here to help?" I asked. When she answered, the voice that emerged was anything BUT female.

"I suppose that is what I'm doing here, correct?" When they lowered their hood, I saw Kyoya. That's priceless. He snapped and two other figures, namely the twins, appeared. They immediately started taking measurements. I just stood there, with my arms out, staring at the far wall. When they finished, they brought pieces of paper to Kyoya. He stared at them for a moment before writing something in his notebook and closing it. His glasses started to glow and then I was put into a beautiful green dress.

I looked down at the dress. Well, now I have something to thank Kyoya for. He also changed the twins into horses ((I really wanted to do that, BtDubs.)), and summoned a carriage driven by Mori (Hunny next to him) and Haruhi as the footman. It was weird seeing the hosts as these characters. Sitting in the carriage made me feel like a princess. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Tamaki yet. I was shaken out of my thoughts when Haruhi handed me a mask that matched my dress, and explained it was a masquerade.

When we arrived at the palace, I felt like a girl. Especially now. I mean, I look like a princess, I feel like a princess, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to BE a princess soon. I walked up the steps of the palace and through the doors into a large ballroom. Now I felt lost. I saw all these other people wearing masks, and they looked like they knew what they were doing. They all danced with partners, however, I didn't bring one, so I was alone. That was until a complete stranger walked up to me and asked me to dance. Not wanting to feel left out, I joined him and we danced.

And danced

And danced

And I realized this boy looked very familiar. From what I could see, his eyes were the most wonderful shade of purple ((blue?)), and his hair was blonde, but the rest was covered by a mask. Once the song ended, he flashed me an unforgettable smile and began to take off his mask-


And I was back, realizing it was all a dream. Who was that boy though?



And I ran downstairs.


So, I'm pretty sure you guys know who the blonde is. If you don't, that makes the surprise more fun! Sorry it's so short!

See you guys whenever I post! Gotta get my creative juices flowing!

Thanks for being patient, if you guys are still reading this.

Lets go for 80 views, and if we reach 100, I might do something special. Who knows???

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