Timber (P11)

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Your POV

It had been a week since the incident, and you began texting Tamaki more often than you used to. He didn't seem upset about that picture Miranka showed to the public. If he did he didn't show it. You had been skipping school for the past week, claiming you were sick. No one knew but your sister, who had been acting very kindly to you recently. You stepped onto your porch and stared out into the street, seeing those same boys you had seen the day of your date. They were now racing across the lawn of the small park near your house. Climbing down the stairs and walking over, you asked if you could join. They were happy to have another runner. You took off your shoes and lined up next to them, getting ready to run. When one yelled go, you took off, making it clear across the finish line two seconds before the next person. Since that moment, you became friends with all those guys, and found out one of them went to Ouran. His name was Kazukiyo Soga. You hadn't noticed he was in your class until you met him at the finish line.

The day you returned to Ouran, you went straight to music room #3. The first to notice you was Mori and Hunny. You had been glomped by Hunny and offered an all to familiar bunny.

"I love bunnies." You said, repeating what you had first said to Usa-chan when you first came to the host club. Next were the twins, who kissed you on either cheek before returning to preparing for the horde of guests that were to arrive any moment. Haruhi and Kyoya greeted you next. You looked around for the missing host, and soon found him, sulking in his corner. You chuckled before sitting down next to him and whispering a quick hello. He looked at you with that face (( If you don't know which face, I'll put a link at the bottom to a picture.)), and you fell over laughing. You loved that face. Really. Kyoya spoke up, notifying everyone that the guests would be arriving at any moment. Tamaki took your hand and pulled out a chair for you at his table. Guests flooded in through the double doors, sitting at the respective tables. You enjoyed yourself. For the first time since your father died, you greatly enjoyed yourself.

Tamaki seemed to notice that you were happy, and he cracked a smile in your direction, to which all the other girls fangirled. The thing that brought that enjoyment down was when Miranka joined the group. She smiled innocently, and you half-expected Tamaki to lunge across the table at her and try to choke her, because his smile back looked more like a grimace.

After the Host Club closed up, you and the hosts stayed after a bit. Tamaki called everyone into a circle to talk about what had happened. Everyone shared something on the topic before the host club officially closed up and everyone left. You and Tamaki were the last to leave. You reached out to open the door, when a hand grabbed yours from behind you. You slowly turned around to find a slightly blushing Tamaki holding your hand. He looked as if he was about to say something, but instead, he moved in front of you and opened the door for you, smiling.

Later that night, you texted Tamaki first, instead of him texting you first.

You: I need help.

Tamaki: Haha, I see you texted me first for once. What with?

You: Revenge ideas

Tamaki: As much as I'd like to help you, princess, you've come to the wrong person. But I know a couple of look-alikes who can help.

You: Probably should have texted them first.

Tamaki: Probably. I can text them if you want. Unless you have their number...?

You: I do.

Tamaki: WHAT? WHEN?

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