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ECAM will be continued in another series. I'm torn between 'Death May Not Do Us Part!' and 'Love You Past The Afterlife'

You guys choose. IM TORN! They were both from ValentineRose8, and they are cute! So, you guys choose which one you like better. See you when (title) comes out!!!!

Also, just a quick survey: just number 1-3 and your answers.

1. Do you feel I connect with you guys enough?

2. Do you enjoy what I write?

3. Do you read other fanfictions of mine? If so, which is your favorite besides this one? If not, WHY NOT? <3

Please answer truthfully, I want to know. Luv u guys, and other fanfictions are on the way. And if you have any questions for me (favorite animal, favorite colour, favorite food, etc.), message them to me and I'll answer them on the prologue of (title)!!!! Love you all!


Emo Corners and Mushrooms (Tamaki x Reader Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora