Sadness (P14)

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A/N: just warning you, attempted tear jerker. I would keep a box of Kleenex by your computer just in case this actually works out as sad. Probably not though. It's been a month since you started living with Tamaki (the first time I wrote Tamaki, I forgot the 'amaki' and just put the T)

You stared out of your window. You hadn't been feeling well lately. Most people who saw you said you were paler than normal, you were sluggish, you took no interest in hobbies you once thought were fun, you ate next to nothing, you didn't sleep most of the time and when you did it was for a very short time and filled with nightmares, you were very anxious, and you always had a headache. All the host club members noticed, but it affected Tamaki the most. You felt a tear roll down your face as you watched kids in the park across the street play. Tamaki knocked on your door and opened it softly. He stared at you. Your eyes were sad and puffy, your face looked to be the color of paper, your hair was somewhat a mess, and your face was wet. This had been going on for two weeks, and Tamaki couldn't stand it. He grabbed your hand, dragged you to the car and told the driver to get to the nearest doctor. The nearest doctor was a rather large clinic owned by Kyoya's family. Tamaki dragged you into the doctors office while you protested that you were fine and that there was no point. He insisted you see a doctor immediately and dragged you into the waiting room. It wasn't long before the doctor saw you. He requested to speak to Tamaki in private, but you could hear every word.

"Why are you here today?"

"I think she might be sick."

"Any symptoms?"

"She's paler than normal, she doesn't eat or sleep, she doesn't want to do anything except stay in her room, she's been having nightmares, and she says she has a headache. Constantly."

"Huh. Have there been any devastating incidents recently?"

"Yeah, her sister died."

"Were they close?"

"I'm not sure."

"Any other family?"

"Not that I know of, the rest of her family is dead too."

"How long have these symptoms been going on?"

"3 weeks."

"Okay, I'm going to ask her a few questions." The doctor walked back into the room.

"Hi, I'm Dr. George. I have been made aware of your symptoms, but I would like ask you a few questions. How severe would you say the symptoms have been?"

"I'm not exactly sure how you answer that." You heard yourself squeak out.

"On a scale from 1-10."

"7, maybe?"

"Okay. Have your ancestors had problems with depression?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay, from the symptoms I can tell that you may have depression, or an illness with similar symptoms. But, logically, seeing your history, I can tell you that you are most likely suffering from depression." The doctor turned to Tamaki and asked about medications and therapists. You stared at them in disbelief.

"Seriously?" Their talking ceased.

"First of all, it's illegal to hand medicine such as antidepressants over to someone other than my legal guardian. And seeing as I don't have a legal guardian, you can't give me antidepressants. Second of all, have you ever even considered the fact that this might be temporary? I mean, I'm not a medical expert but I've experienced a death before. 5 actually. I was like this for a good 5 weeks before it wore off. Why should this time be any different?"

They just stared at you. You sighed and raised both of your eyebrows.

"I appreciate you worrying about me Tamaki, but you didn't think about the fact that I've handled this before."

He stared at you as you walked out of the clinic, before following you.

Tamaki's POV-

I watched her leave. I wasn't surprised that I had acted without thinking, I was surprised because she told me off about it. Kyoya never did that. I shook the thought from my head, quickly paid, and walked out of the clinic. The clinic was off a road that you had to cross in order to reach the parking lot, so I began walking across the street, deep in thought. I was shaken out of my thought when I heard someone yelling at me. I looked across the wide street to see (y/n) yelling at me. Then, she ran at me and shoved me out of the way of a car.

3rd POV/ Your POV

Tamaki stared at the car that had just hit you. The man who had been driving the car, got out and ran to the front before gasping and pulling out his cell phone.

"911! Help! I need an ambulance outside of the clinic on main!" The man quickly put his cell phone away and got back in his car to back away from the body. Your body. Limp, barely alive. Tamaki was frozen. As much as he wanted to run to your side and help, he couldn't. He was paralyzed from shock. He watched as an ambulance arrived and his senses kicked in. He ran to the back of the ambulance where they were loading you in on a stretcher. Medics had to hold him back as he yelled your name, hoping you'd wake up. He ran after the ambulance as it drove away, only going a little ways before stopping and running back to his car. He got in and slammed the door, ordering the driver to take him home. Even though he wanted to see you desperately, he couldn't. He had so many emotions going through him, it felt like he was about to explode. He would've strangled that man if he hadn't been paralyzed. He felt angry, sad, guilty even. If he hadn't been an idiot for standing out in the road, you wouldn't be at the hospital. He crashed on his bed and sobbed. Loudly. He cried for a good 2 hours before deciding to man up and visit you.

He got to hospital, slower yet faster than he wanted. He requested to see you, and after a few minutes of "persuasion" (Tamaki being his charming self), he got the room number and permission. Running to said room, he opened the door and fell onto his knees at the sight. You had so many bandages on and your heart rate wasn't as high as he'd have liked it to be, but he wasn't complaining. At least you were alive. He felt tears fall down his face as he sat in the chair next to your bed and cried. It wasn't too long before the other hosts arrived. Haruhi gave Tamaki a comforting hug and assured him you'd be okay. He just wailed louder. Kyoya actually took off his glasses and wiped a single tear from his eye before putting his glasses back on. Hunny wailed like a kid who's ice cream fell on the ground. Mori fell to his knees horrified, mouth open. The twins were paralyzed, tears dripping off their faces in sync (They even cry in sync). It was a dark day for the host club.

A/N: Omg I cried writing this. Sorry if it doesn't make you cry. Or maybe I'm not sorry. It depends on whether or not you wanted it to make you cry. Gah, confusing. I'm not that hard to make cry. Oooh, I have an idea. First one to count and comment how many times I said tear in this one, will get a shout out. Or maybe I'll do that and have you (your OC) in this special chapter I'm planning. Just comment it in this format:

# of times:

OC's Name


Hair Color

Hair Length

Eye Color



I'll do my best with the playing of your OC. If its OOC I'm sorry.

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