Author's Note (4)

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Okay! Probably one of my last author's notes until after parts 7 and 8, unless I magically have a bunch of plans show up. What I wanted to say is that I want to try to get 100 views on chapters before writing new ones so that I can be sure you guys actually are reading these. If I don't reach my goal (say I only had 78 people read the chapter) by at least a week or two, I'll work on new parts for the 78 people who still read this fanfiction! Part 7 will be coming out soon, so keep checking back! Probably won't release it until later this week (or next, depends on where you are), but it won't take forever like the last one. I am sometimes just really lazy and I have alot of stuff going on in my life. I know, I used stuff. Anyways, I still have 0 ideas on where I want to go with this, so please comment and give me feedback and requests, I feel like I don't get enough of what you guys want into this fanfiction. MY SOLE PURPOSE IS TO MAKE YOU PEEPS HAPPY (LIKE THE FLYING BLUE CAT THAT JUMPS FROM ROOF TO ROOF)! And also, for my entertainment of manipulating (your name). ^-_-^ <——Devil face, u prob couldn't tell.

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