You Dropped Your Phone... Again (P10)

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Your life kept getting weirder and weirder each day. It had been a week since Tamaki came over to your house because you had dropped your phone, and since then, your life was on the down low. Only today it would stir back up again.

Reaching Music Room #3, you sat down on a couch near Mori.

"Long time no see, huh?" You said, only partially paying attention.

"Yeah," He responded softly. You looked back at your book. It was an old children's book you had read when you were younger. You had adored it and never left anywhere without it. You were one page away from the end, when something fell out. Picking it up from beside you, you peered at it. It was a picture your mom had taken when you were in kindergarten of you and Takashi on the swingset. You smiled at the picture before a voice behind you startled you into dropping the photo on the floor.

"What's that, Zero Yen?" You slammed the book shut.

"What do you want, Bucket Shoes."

"For you to move back to your sewer home."

"I can't, or else I'd be living in the same place as you."

"Only I'd be above ground."

"Just keep telling yourself that." Miranka stomped her foot, swearing you'd pay for what you'd done (Which was...?).

And you did. It was kinda a long story that stretched out over a period of a month.

A week from that day, you walked home with Tamaki. It wasn't as awkward as usual. It was like you guys had been friends forever. Until he brought up the formal you had at your old school, to see your reaction. When you reacted the same way, he confirmed that there was something wrong about the formal. At the fork, you took off running again, all the way back home. It was troubling you, why you felt weird about that formal. Your sister knocked on your door.

"Hey, (y/n)? There's someone here to see you. It's the guy who brought your phone last time." You stiffened. You did NOT want to leave your room because you were frazzled. And you tended to wonder aloud when you were frazzled. And if you started thinking aloud in front of Tamaki, you would be devastated if he found out the reason you were troubled about the formal was him.

"What?" You heard your sister say.

"What?" you mimicked.

"You were thinking aloud again."

".......... Crap!" you shouted, diving under your bed. Thankfully, your sister chose this moment to act nice to you.

"Hey, you know, if you like this Tamaki guy, why not just ask him out?"

However she still sucked at giving advice.


"What if he likes you too?"

"There's a one in one million chance that'll happen."

"You'll never know if you don't try."

"Never know what? That he doesn't like me?"

"Come on (y/n), where's that confidence I always used to see on that beautiful face of yours?"

"It left with dad." You said, standing up and opening the door, coming face to face with the blonde you had been talking about.

"You dropped your phone... again." You took your phone and closed your door in his face. Your sister sighed and stood up, leaving your room and walking Tamaki to the door.

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