Mr. businessman

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Win frequently received flights with Bright, Win didn't mind, it did become suspicious however. He still had regular fights but the ones with Bright were always empty. He'd noticed that the man would travel to the most random places, places that were not popular for tourists. Bright always looked presentable, he dressed immaculately. Constantly he debated on asking Bright his profession but of course, being the shy one, he didn't have the guts. Instead he then decided to ask Robert, he knew all the business orientated people onboard. Robert knew because the business class flights were always covered by their companies. However, when Win asked, Robert explained that Brights flights were paid out of pocket.

This made absolutely no sense. Why would he travel so much if it wasn't business oriented? For whatever reason Win had been fond of the guy, however, he knew nothing about him. Win was known for being curious, and he needed to know Bright's profession.


    He was ready for his flight today; all of his plans have been delayed and he had no patients. He silenced his phone this morning, because he was tired of all the complaints from his workers. Bright preferred private planes, he didn't have to go through time consuming security, and he hated congested public planes.

It had been 30 minutes into his flight when he asked for wine. It had been a very stressful week for him, and he needed some relaxation. The flight attendant brought him some wine, but before he could receive it, it was spilled all over him. His suit and pants had been completely soaked, curse words spat through his head. He tried to relax, he tried to breathe but all the anger from the week was boiling inside him.

"This is literally your only job, you can't do it right huh?" Bright yelled.

She squirmed, "I'm so sorry Sir, I will have you cleaned up." Bright was so heated, he didn't want to hear anything she had to say. At this point none of her words had any importance.

"HOW? HOW? You can't clean it, it's completely white, are you going to pay for it? Noooo'' Bright was standing now.

"This is outrageous!" Before he could continue, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Win stood with his eyebrows raised looking at him. Bright shoved his hand off. "I understand the situation Mr. Vachirawit but this behavior is dangerous on planes' ', Win was treating Bright as a child. Although he hates to be treated like a child, he still felt guilty, but Bright never felt guilty. What the hell was going on? Bright was still breathing heavily, even though his yells were stopped by Win.

"Let's go replace your shirt" Win leads the path to the rear of the plane.

Win handed Bright an extra shirt from the cupboard. Then turned and continued to fumble through it while Bright unbuttoned his shirt. This was an expensive piece Bright thought, nothing he couldn't replace though. If anything this had been another minor irritation today. Win squealed when he turned around to see Bright shirtless. He quite enjoyed seeing Win bent out of shape because of this. He couldn't resist his smirk.

"Lord, you couldn't wait?," Win groaned quickly covering his eyes.

"I don't see the problem" Bright teased him.

This was the perfect time for Bright to ask Win to be his personal fligher. He's wanted this for a while now, he just didn't have the right opportunity, until now. Win was covering his eyes facing the sealing, dreading to be there.

"I have a request" he blurted while dressing himself. Win sat up straighter than before still
covering his eyes.

"Can this wait?" Win implored.

"It cannot. Win, you are a great flyer, I want you to be my personal pilot. Of course if you agree," Bright requested.


Win's eyes shot open from shock. He couldn't believe what Bright just asked. The silence that followed was piercing, and the stare from Bright never broke. Bright's presence always made Win feel confused within. Win didn't prefer men but something about him was different. Bright asking this question felt like a confession. Did Bright like Win? Then his curiosity got the best of him. If he wasn't a pilot he would be a psychologist because Win's guard was up again. This was his opportunity to know what Brights random flights were about. Wins mood flipped and he was positive Bright noticed because his expression changed.

"Sure! I do have some questions before the paperwork though" Win said, trying to hold his composure.

"I figured so" Brights dark eyes were so dominant. His eyes always made Win shiver.

They sat down. Win knew all the questions he was about to ask. He was going to ask the big question last. He knew he was from Nakhon Pathom and he was 26. Also other details that weren't very important. Of course Win did research it had been one of his hobbies.

"Who do you work for?" Win urged more than planned.

"I work for no one" Bright huffed salty.

Win squinted his eyes, he wanted more than that. He knew he was no businessman, but he still wanted to hear it come out of him.

"Are you a businessman?" he interrogated.

"I suppose you could say that," he shrugged unbothered.

Why wasn't he giving him direct answers? Why was he so calm? If anything is responses started to annoy him.

"Listen, that doesn't matter much" Bright shifted in his seat, he rested his hand on his face.

"Yes it is, I will be flying you around alone. I'm not going to have Throne anymore, and you could be a killer for all I know" Win rolled his eyes.

Bright sighed, he looked around before responding.

"Look, I'm the leader a corporation but unfortunately I can't tell you what we do" he gradually dipped his head.

"UHgh, fine, why do you travel so much?" he asked.

"Meetings" Bright stated.

Win could tell he was hiding something . Win was amazing at telling when someone lied, Bright was just making it difficult, he wasn't necessarily lying. He was avoiding questions.

"I dunno Mr. Vachirawit, I get paid for the time I'm in the air. Only flying one person wouldn't be close to the amount I make now" Win explained.

"If you work for me you will be making way double, that I can assure you" Bight tapped his fingers on his knees.

Win debated for a second. He could always leave if it didn't feel right. He would also have less work and more pay, if he agreed with Bright. Who knows perhaps Bright would open up to him? He also felt this lightness within whenever Bright was aboard.

"Paperwork" Win demanded with his hand out, he locked his gaze.

At the end of the month he and Bright had a meeting with Robert. He figured he deserved to know that Win was leaving the crew. Win had been working for them for almost 3 years. He didn't necessarily like Throne and Robert however they were reliable. He was risking his job for a "businessman", how stupid.

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