Something with Meaning

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Bright POV

He not only did it for Win but also himself, his time was over when it came to dealing. His father's death if anything was simply a closure for him and his decision. And although he was in his late 20ies he considered going back to college to fulfill the dream he use to have. He asked himself if he wanted to do that or not, it was a hard decision of him, in fact, it was a decision that was still in progress. 

He realized that once he makes his final decision that his whole mentality would have to change. He feared that if he stopped working bad habits would come back. Before work was a distraction for him. Now that he wasn't working anymore he feared that they would come back, he didn't fear for himself. He feared for Win, what he would think of him on top of everything else Win perhaps thought of him. And he got the courage, he got the courage to finally tell Win his thought process which he never did with anyone. They sat on that couch for hours talking about how they felt and although it was painfully difficult to explain it to Win he felt relieved afterward. He hoped that explaining his back story and how he felt made Win better understand why he acted the way he did. He was aware, he knew he acted strange compared to others he just never wished to explain his actions. He always had the "it's none of their business" mentality however now that his relationship with Win has grown it kind of is Win's business. It isn't fair for him to not know. And although it was difficult to tell him he was glad to say that Win knew everything now. 

"One more thing" Win sat with his legs crossed. Bright nodded at him telling him to continue. He grabbed his hand which made Bright feel warm inside. 

"I know you have problems when it comes to making friends, but Vermont and Mia" he paused not shifting his gaze. "Well, they're very fond of you, I think they see you as a friend. And I know it's easier said than done but I think you should at least try to like them" Win said slowly as he rubbed the side of Bright's hand. 

He grunted "It's not that I don't like them" Bright sighed "Well, sometimes I don't. I don't want to title them as friends. I don't really need-" Bright caught Win looking at him harshly. He rolled his eyes and looked away "I'll try" he said under his breath. Win was the only person that can encourage him to get out of his comfort zone, he was glad about that even if it annoyed him. 

"Great, that's all I ask" Win said patting him on his hand before going into their bedroom. "Hey, where are you going?" Bright called out. "I'm going to facetime my family, stay out there" Win stated before shutting the door behind him. Bright raised his eyes with confusion, suddenly there was a knock at the front door. He didn't even have to get up, it was Mia and Vermont waving through the window. 

"WIN!!" Bright called out and he could hear laughing through the master bedroom. He planned this, didn't he? He groaned before sitting up and answering the front door. He was greeted with two very loud people hugging him and harshly patting his back, "alright alright" Bright said slightly annoyed. "I brought wine" Mia said raising two bottles of wine happily. Bright rubbed his face before grabbing them from her hands, "thank you for that" he said before putting them in the cabnet. 

"What?! You don't want to get drunk?" they both said shocked. 

"Yes, I have something to tell you both actually and I would prefer if all of us were sober" Bright said sitting back down on the couch. Vermont and Mia looked at each other in confusion. 

"Also I've been trying not to drink anyway. it's been a month since I've had alcohol and 3 weeks since I smoked" Bright rubbed his eyes.

"Why is that?" Vermont asked, Bright was unsure if he was disappointed or happy.

"I'm trying to be better for Win. After all--" he was cut off by Mia's squeals.

"Awwww! That's so sweet of you Bright" Mia hopped very loudly because of her heels.

"Would you..." Bright sighed.

"What did you want to tell us?" Vermont leaned on the side of the couch. Vermont ignored Mia's excitement.

"Well, I want to propose to Win," Bright said a little bit over a whisper.

He watched both of their eyes widen. Mia had a hand over her mouth, he could see all the excitement trying to be contained into her body. Bright shook his head but he couldn't help his smile. Hes been thinking of this for quite a while and finally telling someone felt amazing.

"My guy" Vermont smiled, patting Bright on his back.

"I just need you guys to distract him without it being obvious. I have to buy the ring and stuff" Bright added. They both nodded at the same time. Even though he spilled the beans there was also something else. There was a long silence because Bright hadn't spoken.

"There's one more thing" he looked away slightly squinting his eyes. They listened.

"I know you guys were my workers before, and we've known each other for a long time. I- I just can't label you guys as friends.." Bright looked at both of them.

"We knew that Bright. We know how you are" Vermont chucked briefly looking at Mia who nodded, agreeing with him.

"Even though I can't label the both of you as friends I can label you guys as family" Bright finished. He could never have enough trust to call them friends but he could call them family. He knew that no matter what, they would be there for him. He just wasn't ready, he's never had to be close to family so he figured he could treat them the same way. If he called them friends he was afraid that if it backfired it would end with his emotions being shattered. However, family, he's always been distant with them, it was natural for him to give his family only a percentage of himself. In the end, he simply put too much trust into friends. He wasn't ready for that commitment. 

"T-Thank you?" Mia started to nervously mess with the ends of her hair. The both of them seemed even more confused however he didn't care to explain his backward reasons. He already knew it was backward, family is supposed to be closer than friends but it wasn't like that for Bright. It's never been, at least not for years. All his fucked up mentality was always because of some sort of trauma and explaining it to people was draining. Not only did he have to hear them apologize for something that had no correlation to them but also because explaining made him remember, and he didn't want to remember. 

"Well Bright, whatever title you chose to have in that head of yours I'm grateful to have a title at least. You can have your titles and we'll have ours" Vermont said before stepping out on the porch, Bright assumed to smoke. Although it probably didn't matter to Vermont that statement meant a lot. He looked down at his watch still thinking about what he had said. 

"So what are you thinking?" Mia sat down beside him.

"Well, I know how Win is. He doesn't like expensive things, I just want it to be good enough" Bright admitted. 

"I think whatever ring you get he's going to like. But don't just get a regular ring, get something that has some sort of meaning behind it, something that will remind you both of each other" Mia stated. Now that had him thinking even harder, whats something that will remind them of each other? I mean sure, Bright had many things that reminded him of Win but both of them? Well, he had plenty of time he told himself. 

Bright opened the bedroom door and he watched Win slightly put his phone down. "Vermont and I are going to go down to the office to clear some more stuff" Bright said to him, he sat on the edge of the bed. "Clear some more things? I thought you guys finished that 2 weeks ago?" Win raised his eyebrow. "Well yes, I did in fact say that however we figured that we would do some more clearing, just in case" Bright shrugged. Damn why was he on to him? "That sounds like something you and Mia would do, not Vermont" Win argued. "I-I know that WIn, but Mia whats to go shopping with you. So Vermont- he can do the job" Bright completely made that up, now Mia had to tell them to go shopping. Win stared at him mommentarily, like he could almost read Brights mind "Are you going out to drink or smoke with Vermont?" Win asked. "What! No, I'm not. I promise" Bright said retrieving Wins hand. He gently kissed the back of Wins hand, he blushed and looked away.

"Oh, my family said hi. Eli, and my sister said hi" Win said. 

"Oh tell them I said hello" Bright said.

That was when he had a idea, he knew what the ring was going to be associated with. 

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