Was It Forced from the Start?

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Win nodded his head slowly as he enlightened him on what had happened. He had looked so fragile in that state, well more than usual of course. He had been so jittery, ever so often he would look at the needles in his arms. He couldn't tell if he just hated hospitals or if he was simply traumatized from Throne. He would look around the hospital quickly like he has planned his escape, Bright had tried to comfort him however he would jump to sudden touches, which made Bright question whether or not he wanted to be touched. He simply didn't know how to comfort him any other way. 

"You okay, Win?" Bright retracted his hands.

"Oh yeah, I just don't like needles" Win laughed nervously. He could tell in his eyes there was something else. He was covering his feelings by being cheerful which wasn't convincing him one bit. He was seconds from adding something but he was cut off.

"WOW, I can't imagine little Mia hitting me like that" Win chuckled and slowly rubbed the back of his head.

"Um yeah, Mia has some past don't underestimate her. She'll tell you herself that's not my business to tell. Win is there something you want to talk about?" Bright finally let out.

"What no. Of course, I don't. I already got the information I needed, I know what happened" Win looked away from Bright. He noticed that even before; Win couldn't hold eye contact however this was different, he was purposely doing it. He was avoiding Bright's eyes which was scaring him.

"Do you still like me Win? I just feel like some things are off, I don't want to pressure you because I know you went through a lot. I just feel like Thro-" Bright was cut off.

"Let's just get over it. I do like you Bright. Nothing has changed" Win said still looking away. It had felt so forced, he spoke so dryly. It was like he wanted to get the conversation over with but he didn't. Bright leaned to kiss Win but he harshly closed his eyes. Like Bright would hit him or something.

"I knew it, Win it's okay if things aren't okay" Bright begged for Wins eye contact. Win's eyes became glossy.

"Can I have your hand?" Bright left his hand out. Eventually, Win gave his hand. Inside he sighed he didn't know what to do. He gently rubbed the back of Win's hand, this was the best physical contact he's had in a while with Win and the only thing he could do was cherish it. 

After a while, Bright promised Win that he would ask the nurse if the IVs could be removed. They were clearly uncomfortable, he wanted him to be comfortable as possible. He didn't want to load him with information however he did want Win to be informed enough. Win continued to be off however Bright did his best to not be too much for him. Wins recovery to this would be longer than he expected.

"Would you be more comfortable if I left? I can order Mia to spend the rest of the night with you" Bright finally said. Win had been so quiet and all his senses were up, Bright was most likely frightening him. Maybe if a female were to take care of him it would make Win more comfortable. Bright was clearly not welcomed him. 

Win simply nodded. Bright did exactly what he promised. Mia was there sooner or later. However, before he left he pulled Mia outside the room.

"Mia, you were right" Bright shut Wins door before continuing.

"I'm not surprised, but I'm right about what?" Mia crossed her arms intently.

"Win's changed. He doesn't want me here. So I'm going to go, just take care of him" Bright patted Mia on the shoulder before leaving. 

He didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. He just felt empty, Win didn't care for Bright the same. He said he did however Win was just saying that because he wanted to mask his emotions. He didn't know what to do anymore. Before Win was in his life it was meaningless, however, when Win came it was like a light was shined in a dark tunnel. He was able to look ahead at his future, however, now that seemed to be taken away from him. His light was broken, his Win was gone. He wasn't even interested in Bright anymore? Bright's chest started to tighten. Just the thought of that made Bright's insides weak. The hospital doors automatically opened for him. Or perhaps he was never there, Win was never interested in being Brights boyfriend. Maybe Win was always confused about how he felt about him, Throne simply solidified Win's doughts.

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