That Eerie Relief

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His head was pounding so much, he wasn't sure if it was because of the adrenalin or the people babbling around him. "Bright are you listening?" someone called him, he annoyingly looked at them. He hadn't been listening to any of them at all, there were about seven people talking at once and it was aggravating him. All of them trying to determine Wins fate as if Bright wasn't sitting right there. It was known he had a relationship with Win, at least his father knew, so his minions were bound to know.
"What do you think we should do with the boy?" His father sneered at him. Everyone's attention was now on him, which angered him even more than his father's comment. All his life he has learned to cope with the things his father said to him. This, however, was different, he wasn't toying with regular people's lives or his even, he was risking Wins. That Bright wasn't okay with.
What should they do with Win? He wanted to leave with him and make their lives normal again. Clearly, that wasn't an option though, so he sat there with his arms crossed contemplating what he would say.
"Well, why don't you keep him for yourself. That's what you want" Bright stared him down.
"I asked what you wanted, son," he said in a comforting way. To anyone who didn't know him they would think he was being nice however Bright knew his intentions, he was laughing on the inside. Laughing at Bright's distress, Kunlatorn knew he couldn't express his true feelings and he got a rise from it.
"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Bright put both his elbows on the table, he raised his eyebrows annoyed. He wasn't sure where he was going with this, he just knew he wanted to be in the same room as Win instead of here in this office. They took him somewhere, threw him in some sort of cell.
"You think we should ask the boy what to do with himself?" Kunlatorn started to cackle, of course, his minions followed. Everyone was laughing but him, Bright simply took turns looking at everyone blankly.
"If that's what you wish...son" he then sat up ordering his minions to get Bright from out of his seat.
"Do not touch me" Bright swatted them away before standing up on his own. He promised himself that he would hit the next person who tried to touch him.

They walked through the extremely bright hallway, it had been cleaner than a hospital in there. "You've gotten yourself an interesting fellow," he said looking up ahead. Bright had not answered.

"For some reason, the people in Win's circle don't have a liking to him but an obsession" his father stated.
He wasn't completely wrong, it was concerning even.
"And I'm afraid you're one of them. Chasing after the boy, left and right" his father suddenly stopped walking. It all started to click now, he was behind more than Bright thought. He pushed him on the wall with all his force.
"You were behind Throne weren't you?" Bright gripped his shirt, pinning him on the wall.
"Well, not originally. That boy always had an obsession with Win, I just used it to my advantage" he said calmly. Of course, he would pay the man to kill Win. Bright fought the urge to hit him, he wanted to. But he also wanted to hear what he had to say.
"You saved him from Throne, that confused me most. The son I knew would hire another and leave the boy to rot. But you didn't do that for Win, see you saved him and risked your life in the process. However, I still doubted myself and so I sent Lèo to prove my point. Once again you ran to save Win, that's when I knew...He made my son weak" Kunlatorn finally finished sneering at Bright. He had looked so calm for someone who was being pinned to a wall. On the inside, he was disappointed in himself for not realizing that it was in fact his father behind it. The root of all Bright's problems had always been Kunlatorn even when he was just a boy. Why did he think suddenly that cycle changed? Perhaps he was right, maybe Win made him weak however him Win being in his life has brought feelings he's never felt before, and if that makes him weak so be it.

His minions rushed to save Kunlatorn from Bright's hold however Kunlatorn stopped them from nearing them. They quickly left the hallway leaving them alone.
"What are you gonna do now?... Now that you know that I was the reason to everything?"Kunlatorn chuckles. Bright quickly punched him across the face, he couldn't even be mad at his own instincts.

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