Who else?

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Things have remained the same over the past three months. Approximately every week or so, Bright would depart for his office, leaving Win at home alone, allowing Win to only make friends with the cleaners who came every day. Despite her being a sweet lady, she had a limit to how much she could talk about her grandchildren before driving Win crazy. Bright had been on so many business trips lately, perhaps he was making up for the time he missed when the kidnapping happened. He tried to convince Bright that he didn't need time off, that he didn't need a pilot to replace him. Being replaced hurt, but he never wanted to admit it. Besides, if Win said anything about that, he would be told "you just need rest, Win". 

The front door opened and the alarm system beeped. Bright came through the door and dropped his luggage at the front door. 

"I'm back! Hello Win, hello Mary" Bright signed. Mary was the lady that cleaned, the lady with an insane amount of grandchildren.

He looked tired as hell, he surely was just going to nap as usual. Mary also informed Win that it had been scorching hot outside, which definitely didn't benefit Bright.

"Hey, you okay?" Win awkwardly leaned on the kitchen island. Bright quickly lifted his head with question.

"Yeah, it's just hot as hell. It feels good in here though" Bright took off his suit coat.

Win nodded, lately, things have been awkward however they still managed to hold a conversation. He's gotten over the fact that Bright killed Throne, although the first week was rough. He was constantly getting dreams of Bright killing Throne because he didn't actually see it happen his brain-made-up scenarios. Though he was still thinking about it, he wasn't sad because he knew Throne wasn't a good person. Still, he thought about his family and how they most likely felt. He could never mourn, however, something was still there he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. As for Bright, he couldn't be too shocked, he knew this was the type of things he did. Especially since this happened to involve Win's safety of course Bright fliped out.

"You're all good Mary, you can go home. I'm going to cut your workdays to only 3 days a week" Bright spoke as he grabbed a glass from the cabinet. 

"Are you sure Sir?" Mary untied her apron.

Bright dipped his head in agreement before drinking his water. He looked so good, no matter the weather. He also looked good doing the most normal things. Win watched as Bright placed his glass down and replace what he was holding with his phone. He looked at his screen while crunching his eyebrows. He looked up from his phone, Win nervously looked away, he didn't want Bright to know that he was looking at him. He probably still noticed nonetheless. 

"We are going out Win, later on, today" Bright slowly walked over to him. 

"What- why?" Win questioned. Why had it been so sudden? Bright had been so close at the moment and he didn't know if he should make contact. His heart started to beat rapidly. He hasn't touched Win in basically three months, he wasn't lying when he said he was giving him space. He still hasn't touched him since, is that what Win wanted? Physical contact? A date, for what though? 

"You've been in the house for a while, and I feel bad" Bright looked at Win directly. He gave that look, that look he hasn't given Win in a while, the intimidating one that made Win want to melt.

"Oh, um yeah" Win stuttered, he quickly caught himself before picking at his nails. Bright smiled at him, which never happens. Why had he been acting so weird? Not that he hasn't seen Bright happy before, however not like this.

"I'm going to take a shower, 'll be right back" Bright made his way to his room. That was another thing Bright and Win didn't sleep together anymore. They no longer shared a room, honestly when they did share it wasn't long anyway. All of Wins things were separated to the guest bedroom when he first came back from the hospital. He looked at the glass left by Bright as the ice cubes melted. A date? Wow. 

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