The Unclear Void

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"Sir, please stop going to restaurants with Win," Mia spoke quickly on the phone.

"What why? Why can't we go" Bright asked? Despite not understanding Mia, his mind was racing.

"You can't keep going. Jacksburrow Ave has been exposed. Someone is tracking you down" Mia explained.

"Setles?" Bright urged. Was she talking about that restaurant? He looked behind him and Win had been watching TV, he didn't want to worry him. He looked so calm watching TV, he didn't want to ruin that for him. He made sure to lower his voice.

"Did you manage to identify the person?" He became irritated because he had been so careless recently. Of course, he had been tracked down. His grip started to tighten as he held his phone.

"No, we don't know sir".

Bright swore. He looked down, he needed to smoke. He went to the porch and smoked, each inhale of smoke only calmed his body. His mind was still racing, he felt like he wasn't in control anymore.

"Sir, everything will be fine. Unfortunately, you must move your location. We can't risk your address being leaked" she said calmly yet sternly. Mia was known for that.

"I'm aware. We will be leaving tonight" Bright signed. His favorite property was this one, as he felt most relaxed and calm here. He had to leave now, how sad. Until this was 100% controlled he wouldn't be able to return.

"Thank you, Mia," he said before hanging up.

He had to tell Win. He put out his cigarette before entering the house.

"Are you okay?" Win called out from the living room. Bright was moping around, he was dreading to have this conversation with Win.

"Win, I have to talk to you," Bright said as calmly as possible. He could already see Win's worried look. Bright sat next to him and grabbed both Wins' hands gently.

"Listen" Bright took a deep breath and stared at Win.

"This location isn't really safe anymore, we have to move," Bright slowly stated.

"What?" Win said owlishly, he looked around the house with true fear. Bright directed Win's chin in Bright's direction, he didn't want to worry him.

"They don't know where we live, they just tracked down the restaurant we like," Bright reassured him.

"Who is "they"? Win started to panic, he could tell.

"We don't know yet," Bright stated. He tried to calm Win as much as possible.

Win started to nod slowly. In moments like this, Bright wished he knew what Win was thinking.

"Can you start packing, please? I need to make some phone calls" Bright asked calmly.

Win nodded slowly, he was obviously still processing this new information. Shit, he was too.

"Everything will be okay love" Bright reassured Win.


He felt his arms tremble as he packed the little stuff he had. He didn't understand what was going on, however, he was frightened. From what he has observed Bright had not known much either. Where were they going to go? Did they know where he lived? If they knew where his house was, they could surely find out where his family lived. God, what has he gotten himself into? He felt his legs start to give out, he had to sit on the floor. These people were most likely killers. What did they want?

"Win I know this is a lot, but we have to go" Bright was standing in the doorway when Win looked up at him.

"Come on. Off the floor" Bright encouraged Win to get up.

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