Risk from Freedom

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Win felt pressure at the table, everyone else didn't appear to be bothered though. For whatever reason, Bright's presence gave him strength, strength that Win felt he could never obtain on his own. It was a regular for Win to feel weak, but Bright supported him during this meeting, even if he hadn't known.

 Win wasn't scared of Robert, he was scared of Thrones' reaction to Wins resigning. Throne had threatened Win so often it felt as if he was his manager. Win knew that Throne could tell something was up.

“Thank you for coming Mr.Adulyadej,” Bright slightly nodded.Win kept his attention on his nails. Saying absolutely nothing. He felt the stares from the two men across from him.

“Why are we here today?” Robert interrogates Win.

Robert oriented the conversation towards him, which made him anxious. Win looked up from his fingers; he attempted to look at Robert but his eyes kept shifting. Proceeding with Bright's request felt like a risk, Win still had his doubts. Was Bright truly worth his job reputation? Wins worrying led to him forgetting the question.

“Huh?” he said dryly.

“I said why are we here today?” Robert said irritatedly. 

Win started to panic, should he back out? If he agreed to this, who knows what could happen. Lots of airlines communicate with other airlines, so leaving for some random guy could spread unwanted rumors about him. If he were to leave Bright it would be difficult to find jobs, even with the experience he had. He felt his cheek warm up and was nervously cracking his knuckles. Win looked at Bright with a pained look, Bright clearly understood his body language.

“I have requested Win to become my private pilot” Bright cut in for him. 

Win was relieved, Bright ripped off the bandage for him. Win glanced in Bright’s direction only to see that he was staring back. Win's heart started to race.

“Win” Throne demanded, Win's attention was snatched to Thrones' stare. The light feeling that had appeared was instantly washed away.
"Ye- Yes?” Win twitched.
“Outside now,” Throne said angrily, sliding his seat back.

Before he could stand up he was yanked out of his seat, “Where are you taking him?” Bright yelled out before even Win himself could react. Throne forced him outside of the door, ignoring Bright’s calls. Outside the office walls, Throne looked down at him shaking his head. Win didn't understand why he was so angry. Throne acted like he hated him, more than usual at least. Throne was known for having a temper and constantly messing with him, but this was different.

“What are you doing?” Throne scoffed.
“I'm leaving, what is the problem?” Win stated.He was so irritated, he was tired of being bullied into situations because of Throne. Throne acted innocent in front of the head, but with Win he got very aggressive. He always forced Win to take flight requests even if he didn't want to, and he's threatened Win since his first day.

“Win this doesn't make sense, why the HELL would you leave for some random guy? On top of that you won't be making close to the amount of pay you're making from my fath- I mean Robert” he argued. Win crossed his arms, he looked up at Throne, this was the last time Throne was going to tell him what he should or shouldn't be doing, Win thought. “You need to stay out of my pockets, the amount of money I make has NOTHING to do with you” Win yelled, making a scene.

Throne showed no sign of being taken aback by Win's words. Win no longer cared about what Throne thought, he just wanted to be heard, so he continued. “I feel bad honestly. You can’t ever mind your goddamn business, and I feel bad for the next person who has to work with your annoying ass” Win let out finally. 

Win has never been direct with someone like that before, however he has wanted to say that for a long time now. Win never bothered to because Throne was capable of getting him fired. Now he was finally free and it felt amazing. Before Win could storm off Throne quickly grabbed his wrist painfully. Win was pulled closer to Throne by his wrist ,now, only inches apart. 

Throne’s poker face turned into a grin, which gave Win chills. “I just care about you. You're not leaving me just yet” he pouted annoyingly, spreading a forced smile on his face. He has never been possessive over Win before and this scared him.

“Get off of me, oow” Win cried out, numerously trying to break Thrones grip.

The office door shot open and Bright stepped out, Throne released him. The panic that was filling Win was dropped thankfully. Win anxiously ran towards Bright to get away from Throne.

“Don't put your hands on him, I will have you fired” Bright grinded his teeth.
“You can't fire me,” Throne laughed.
“Oh yes I can, I have records all about you, I have connections with people who have higher ranks than Robert” Bright chuckled.
“We are leaving” Bright started looking at Win, he didn't wait for a response.“Tell your father that we didn't come here for permission. We came here so he is aware that he will need a replacement for Win.'' Bright was now staring at Win. Bright shot two fingers towards the exit.
“Dont try anything stupid” he glared back at Throne, placing his hand on Wins' back leading the way out.


Bright had very mixed feelings at the moment. He wanted Throne dead. He intended Robert's whole company to crumble, though he also wanted to comfort Win. Bright opened the back door for Win and closed it behind him, then joined Win in the back. “Red Wood” he ordered his driver, harsher than intended. Most of the car ride Bright watched Win rub his wrist while looking out the window. Every other couple of seconds he would hear him sniffle, Bright made sure to not point that out however. Any sign of Win being hurt made Bright furious. He was going to get his revenge.

“Are you hungry?” Bright asked, calming himself.
“No” he sniffled.
“Are you alright?” Bright whispered to him. No response. Was Win mad at him? Robert was going to pay for putting his hands on his pilot. 
“I will have him fired,” Bright promised after minutes of silence.

Win finally turned from the window. His eyes were red and his nose and cheeks were pink. Sparkles from tears enhancing his long eyelashes.

“That's not going to do anything Mr. Vachirawit '' he shook his head. Why had he called him by his last name? He would get to that later. Win was so lovable right now he could kiss him. Nevertheless he was right, firing him would not benefit Win whatsoever. Killing him is different however Bright instantly though, he quickly swatted the idea from his head, that wasn't the problem at the moment, Win was. Bright reached and held the same wrist Throne yanked, Bright made sure to be gentle. He saw Win winced nonetheless, Bright rubbed his thumb on Win's wrist gently. He could feel Win's pulse, he wished to never let go. 

“I won't treat you like they did” I will take good care of you, Bright finished mentally. He released his hand and watched Win's stunned face. Bright loved to see Win like that, like a shocked baby dear. 

“I have a meeting at 6, so you will have my place to yourself. My chief will be coming before then. Do you want to join me for dinner? Bright asked gently.

Win nodded and smiled, Win had the type of smile that was contagious and Bright couldn't help but return the gesture. 

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