"You wanted punishment"

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While he was taking a shower, Win decided he would contact his mom today. Due to his lack of contact with family, he has felt guilty. As the water ran down his face, he became emotional while remembering the times he spent with his niece. In his despair, he let out all his cries. He felt terrible for leaving his family. The feeling of letting out all his cries made him feel refreshed, so he turned off the shower water.

Win decided to go bother Bright now. It had been fairly quiet this afternoon.

"Bright" Win called, but he got no response. Where the hell could he have gone. He started to pace around the house to still find that Bright was gone. He started to slightly panic. Perhaps he was smoking. Bright hasn't smoked in a while though, how strange if he were to start again. He peeked through the front door and found it much colder than he had expected. Perhaps it was because he had just showered. Win shivered as the cold air hit his body.

"Goodmorning Win, or shall I say afternoon," Bright said, monotone. Win watched Bright light a cigarette in the orange sunlight, his heart skipping a beat as the sun illuminated Bright's beautiful features. Bright was crunching his eyebrows, did he have something on his mind?

"Why are you smoking again?" Win invaded. Sometimes Win wasn't sure of the boundaries that he had with Bright, leaving him to feel bad or invasive whenever he asked questions.

"Why are u eyes red? Were you crying?" Bright asked, the hand that Bright had the cigarette slopped to his side.

"No", Win replied, feeling his voice crack in the process. The expression on Bright's face clearly indicated that he did not believe Win.

"No reason, I just-- have been stressing" Bright blinked slowly. Win watched Bright's shoulders loosen as he continued to smoke.

"Well I'm always open to listen," Win said. He sat down on the porch chair, he figured if he insisted Bright couldn't push him away.

Win watched the smoke dissolve into the air as Bright sighed.

"I'm regretting telling you that I'm in the mafia" Bright confest.

At least for Win, the silence that followed was thick and hard to break. Win had put a lot of pressure on him before he knew the truth, and he wasn't sure whether he should feel guilty. The only reason Bright refused to tell him was to protect him.

Bright chuckled lightly, "Don't make that face."

"What face?" Win complained. It wasn't his fault he couldn't control what his face did.

"It's like you're trying to answer a hard math question. I don't want you to be in danger. You're overthinking it." Bright explained. Bright put his hands on his shoulders shaking Win reassuringly. Bright could read him like a book. Bright's eyes were piercing and dominant; he couldn't help but feel like he would melt in Bright's touch.

"I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to you" Bright went on. Bright's stares left Win speechless. Slowly, he was getting closer to Win, which was giving Win butterflies.

Bright lightly rubbed his thumb along Win's bottom lip and touched Win's cheek. Despite not doing it on purpose, his eyes kept directing to Bright's lips. Was Bright going to kiss Win?

Bright let go and kissed Win's forehead, hey. That wasn't enough, all that stress just for him to kiss his forehead. Win felt his face turn red from embarrassment, he had done that on purpose, Bright was definitely teasing him.

Win grabbed Bright by the collar and looked him in the eyes.

"Don't tease me" he lightly whined.

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