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He gently laid Win down on the hotel bed. Bright paced briefly before heading to the kitchen. He retrieved a cup from the cabinet and filled it with tap water. He was still in fight or flight mode at the moment, he was still trying to process the situation. He didn't know whether to be mad at that guy or Win. He went back to Win and poured the cup of water on his face, he didn't care if the bed got wet. Wins eyes shot open, he coughed before sitting up.

"What the-," Win said sitting up slowly. He wiped the water away from his eyes rapidly. 

"How are you feeling?" Bright put his hands on the back of his head. He was trying to be calm even though he wasn't, he hoped he could control his tone of voice. 

"Ok, my head just hurts" Win covered his eyes.

"What the hell happened? I'm so confused right now. Who was that guy?" Bright walked in circles. He felt like he wasn't giving Win the attention he needed at the moment, he was just so confused at the moment he needed answers.

"What guy?" Win uncovered his eyes, he looked at him like HE was the crazy one.

"What the hell do you mean what guy. I told you to stay in the hotel, I come back here and you're gone. Do you know how I felt? I thought you got taken away from me again" Bright put a hand on his chest to calm himself down. He's been trying to manage his temper lately, situations like this didn't help whatsoever. He felt his eyes start to water, he was under so much pressure he didn't know how to feel. He just knows that he felt that emptiness come back once he realized Win slipped from his fingers again. That same emptiness like the last big scare.

"The man at the deli?" Win looked at him with his eyebrows scrunched.

"YES THE FUCKING MAN AT THE DELI!! Who else would it be?" Bright yelled, he couldn't take it anymore. Why was he playing dumb? Was that man really his secret lover? How was that even possible? They're in pairs, Win's never been here before to have a secret lover. 

"He was just some random guy Bright, calm down" Win said bluntly which only irritated Bright more.

Calm down? No way that was some random guy. Why would a random guy have lunch with someone?

"Your a liar" Bright gripped his hair with frustration.

"No, I'm not I'm telling the truth. Believe me, I don't know who he is, how could I?" Win tried to get up but Bright stopped him.

"Just forget it, we need to leave. Whoever he is he probably has our location and I'd rather be safe than sorry" Bright stated pacing a little. He went through the little things they unpacked and placed them in their suitcases. 

"Do you need help Bright? Let me help" Win struggled to stand up.

"No, I'm fine" Bright looked down at the luggage.

"Just let me-" Win urged.

"NO! You've done enough Win" Bright didn't look up from what he was doing. He didn't want to see Win's face at the moment. There was a long awkward silence nevertheless Bright needed it, he needed silence. He walked over to the side table and called the office downstairs.

"Hello, this is Pullman's booking office how may I help you?" she stated.

"Hi, I would like to cancel the payment that I made for tomorrow, we will be returning our keys in the next 30 minutes" Bright held the phone to his ear.

"Aw, is there something wrong?" the lady asked.

"No not at all" Bright answered.

"Well we don't close until the next hour, so you can return your key cards anytime before then" she stated sweetly.

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