The Dark Sides of the Road

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In an intercom conversation, Win requested that they retrieve another pilot. Upon landing, he routinely requested someone to substitute for him to park the plane in the lot. If Win did it himself, he would have to search for Bright inside, which he didn't want to do again. 

"What's taking so long?" Bright peered his head through the cockpit.

"They're sending someone right now, I don't know what's taking so long" Win scratched his chin, looking desperately down at the mic again. 

"You look stressed," Bright said before massaging his shoulders. Win smiled and took a deep breath. With just a simple touch, Win's body aches vanished. Bright had always been his anti-anxiety, even before they began dating. At the sound of a response, he immediately opened his eyes.

"We have gotten a filler Metawin, you may leave" a man stated. 

"10-4" Win responded before unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Let's go" Win stretched after standing up, it had been a long day. In the past he had flown planes for hours on end, but lately, he has gotten used to not flying. Being with Bright has made him "weak" Win thought. 

Win scrolled through his phone as one of the ladies unpacked for him, typically he would do it himself however he had been so tired. He couldn't believe that Bright had still been working after this long day, he was at his computer typing away. Win scrolled through Pinterest. For his whole life, he's wanted to get his own plane, sure he technically did have his own planes that were labeled for him but he didn't own them. He would love to have one for his own, they're just expensive, when he was younger he loved the idea of being a barnstorming pilot and having his own known plane. Of course, that dream was fairly unrealistic Win thought as he scrolled through the plane photos. Some of them looked very similar which he didn't like. It had to be unique to catch Win's eye.

"What are you looking at" Bright startled him, his phone was knocked out of his hands. He had jumped like a scared cat. Win put his hand on his chest to calm himself.

"Oh, it's nothing" Win picked his phone back up and shut it off.

"Do you want one?" Bright raised his eyebrows.

"What-" Win nervously shifted his arms, he couldn't get comfortable. Not after that scare. 

"I can get you a plane if you want" Bright looked down at his phone.

"NO, what are you doing?" Win snatched his phone out of his hand, he didn't want him buying anything.

"Give it back" Bright calmly offered his hand.

"No Bright, promise not to buy it. I really don't need a plane that's a lot of work" Win held the phone to his chest waiting for his answer.

Bright clearly wasn't listening, he was looking around the room smiling as if Win had not been there. 

"I'm serious Bright" Win nudged him in the chest. 

"Come on we can afford it" Bright looked down at him.

"We? Anyway maybe you can, but where would we put a big ass plane. It would probably be sitting too because I legally can't just fly a plane from a freaking backyard" Win said handing Bright his phone back. 

He grunted in agreement.

"I appreciated the thought, I really do" Win kissed him on the cheek.

"What are you working on over there?" Win nudged his head towards the direction of Bright's office.

"Well Mia was informing me on the information on the guy, he had no police records. I have no idea if that should comfort me or concern me" Bright's shoulders tightened. 

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