The Deli Next Door

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Bright slowly sipped his wine as he read through his email, which was something he rarely did. Mia would handle it for him, so Bright wouldn't have to waste his time sorting through junk mail, which accounted for the majority of his emails. She would simply inform him of the important stuff. However momentarily he had nothing else to do, going through his emails was the only way he could get work done here. One more trash email later, Bright shut down his phone. He couldn't take it anymore. He sat his wine down before standing up from his seat. He opened the cockpit door, instantly Wins attention was on him.

"Hey Bright" Win smiled at him before looking back ahead. 

"Hello, Win. Am I allowed to sit here?" Bright asked leaning on the door.

"Legally no but we are the only ones here. Just don't touch anything" Win stated. 

He looked so good when he works, Bright didn't make him wear a uniform however maybe he should make him. He just wanted to see Win the way he saw him when they first met. That would be selfish of him, however. 

"What does this button do?" Bright said reaching for it. He didn't intend to press it; he just liked messing with Win.

Win smacked his hand out the way. 

"Don't touch anything. That was just the air conditioning through" Win said, Bright caught Wins grin.

"Then why did you hit me if it's not gonna make us crash?" Bright grabbed the hand that he hit.

"Because I said not to touch anything" Win covered his hand with his smile.

"No you're are just evil, you wanted to hit me" Bright looked at him. Win burst out in laughter. It was such a relief to see Win laugh no matter what the situation was. He loves seeing him smile.

"I'm sorry, but I'm for real don't touch anything. The majority of these controls are very important" Win stated, he keeped his eyes ahead. 

Bright agreed and he understood. Because they have been traveling so much, it had been difficult to notice how their relationship has improved since it was made official. They had been traveling together very much lately, he had been busy which often made him feel bad. He felt like he was never able to relax with Win, at least when he took him with him he wouldn't feel bad for leaving Win at home for days. Now that he thought about this, this is what he wanted, he wanted Win to be by his side. He wanted him to be his pilot and he wanted Win to be in his life just like this. His past relationships weren't lasting mainly because he was always gone, he was always working. Because of this, he always felt responsible for his breakups and didn't want to date again. Bright saw something different in Win, in the beginning, he thought that he started the relationship badly because he himself had planned how their relationship would play out. Which wasn't fair because it was as if Win didn't have a say so. Perhaps it started rough however they seemed to be just fine now. 

Bright handed the young lady her tip as she placed their luggage down. It gave him a flashback of when he was a fifteen-year-old boy selling drugs in his high school. Thank god he was never caught, it helped that he decided to stop junior year. Ever since he was a kid he was nothing but business, good business? No, but business is business. Thinking of his past he started to realize that he works his ass off, even when he didn't realize it. Bright closed the door behind the girl.

"This is going to be so much fun" Win heard him call from the bathroom. Bright made his was to Win.

"What's going to be fun?" he leaned in the doorway. He watched him lean on the bathroom counter and look up at him, the look made him want to kiss Win.

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