The panic begins

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"How did you know his size?" Vermont asked which almost made Bright gasp.

"What exactly do you mean size?" Bright raised his eyebrows

"Ring size" Vermont started to chuckle.

"Oh that's easy, I measured a while back ago," Bright said slowly.

The man at the counter stared at both of them surprisingly patiently. Bright had been there for at least an hour searching for the right ring like the perfect ring will pop up in this tiny shop. "Well maybe this isn't the place-" Vermont whispered to Bright. This is where he wanted to get it though, nowhere else.

"This is the place I want to get it" Bright looked up frustratedly. He probably seemed like a child throwing a tantrum right now. But he didn't care. Then he had an idea.

"Hey, can you make a custom ring?" Bright said leaning over the counter. "Well, yeah we definitely do that. You'll have to pick a ring though, we don't completely make them from scratch. Did you have anything specific in mind?" the man asked. He had a dingy look, something that Bright for some reason couldn't ignore. He could only feel bad for the guy, sitting in a ring shop alone for hours. There was just something in Brights brain that told him to get the ring here. Nowhere else.

"Yes actually" Bright lightly tapped on the glass counter.


"Okay, I have a vision" Mia exclaimed. She's been babbling all day non-stop. It was starting to urk him. Win looked down at his phone. "Hey, are you even listening" Mia groaned, he was quickly hit in the back of the head. "What?!" Win shrugged before putting his phone right back in his pocket. "I was saying I had a really cute outfit idea for you" Mia hopped around. "No no, I'm fine. I'm a simple guy, I don't need all these crazy outfits like you" Win stated. "Crazy? Excuse me. Also you and Bright cant both have boring styles" Mia crossed her arms. "Okay, first of all, Bright doesn't have a boring style, I think he dresses quite nicely. Second of all why can't we both have simple styles? There's nothing wrong with that" Win sighed. "Because one gay has to have good style in the relationship" Mia rolled her eyes. Win stopped in his tracks.

"I'm going home" Win started walking back to the mall parking lot.

"No, I was kidding!!" Mia struggled to keep up with Win's pace.

"I'm tired anyway. We've been walking around this shopping center for hours for no reason. You refuse to let me know what *outfit* you have in mind. Actually, where is Bright-" Win quickly grabbed his phone.

"No-" Mia snatched his phone. Win took a deep breath.

"Give me my phone" Win held out his hand. He was trying to keep his cool.

"This was supposed to be you and me, day. It was supposed to be fun. Let's get our nails done" Mia exclaimed. She was ignoring him now.

"Well look here, it's not fun. And no, I don't want to get my nails done! Give me my phone right now" Win tried to reach for his phone.

"Just please Win" Mia looked up at him with *puppy dog eyes*.

"Are you going to give me my phone back?" Win kept his hand out.

"Yes, but don't go on it," Mia said warningly.

What was her issue?

"Yes yes," Win said before snatching it.


Bright sighed.

"What is it now?" Vermont walked with long strides.

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting a delay in receiving Win's ring" Bright admitted rubbing his hand on his face frustratedly.

"Perhaps this was a good thing, now you have time to plan other things" Vermont waved his hands in the air carelessly. Bright stared at him a moment before deciding that the man had a point. He had been so focused on the ring now he can work on other things while the ring was being made. Suddenly he was nudged in the forearm.

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