The FaceTime Call

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"Bright, can I go to the store real quick? ''Win peeked through his office door.

"No, sorry. What is your reason for going to the store? I can always ask--"

Bright was cut off by Win's remark.

"There's no need, I want to get out of the house," Win said eagerly.

"Oh well that's fine," Bright said slowly. He completely had his attention now.

"Give me another 30 minutes and I'll go with-" Bright was cut off again.

"No no, I'll go by myself" Win cut in.

He didn't want Bright going because he wanted to surprise Bright. However, he can see the concerned look on Bright's face.

"Win you can't go by yourself you already know this" Bright said getting out of his seat.

"Well, why not?" Win complained.

Bright raised his eyebrows and put his hand on his hip. Win knew exactly why ever since they had to change locations Bright has been very overprotective. Even though he hated giving him a hard time, what other option did he have? As Bright continued to stare at him, Win began to shift his gaze around the room nervously. Despite being with him for months, he still got butterflies when he was around Bright.

"I'll go with Sebastian then," Win suggested.

"Sabastian is a driver, not a bodyguard, Win" Bright said.

"Neither are you. Look he can go in the store with me" Win stated.

"You're not going," Bright ended.

"Yes I am," Win started again, crossing his arms.

He could see Bright's eyebrows scrunched up with questions.

"Why are you acting like this? I said give me 30 minutes to finish up, but ur being difficult. I'm doing this for your safety" Bright stated annoyingly.

"I don't want you to come, '' Win stated. It came out a little more harsh than intended.

"Oh" Bright nodded his head in awe.

"No not like that, I didn't mean it like that, '' Win said quickly. He really hadn't meant it that way, he felt horrible.

"No, I get it. Go ahead. Bring Sebastian with you" Bright said. Win could tell he didn't understand, perhaps he gave up on convincing. Bright never acted in such a way, had he hurt him? He was able to go, but it could have been smoother.


Bright tapped his pen on his table uncontrollably, all he ever wanted was for Win to be by his side *safe*. If something were to happen to Win, he could at least be by his side and say that he would give up his own life for him. Yes, Win is bored and yes, he misses his family, but just thinking of Win being hurt made him sick to his stomach. It was all his fault, he put Win in this danger. How selfish of him to think that his desire for Win was more important than his safety. He should have taken that into consideration that day he asked Win to become his pilot. Bright slammed his hand on the table frustratedly.

Win's phone rang from the other room. Wait... Win was gone though, he had already left. Win didn't have his phone with him then. Bright left his office and rushed to the living room. The person calling was from a blocked number, if it was his phone he wouldn't have answered. However, because it was Win's phone, Bright was rather nosey.

"Who is this?" Bright felt the phone's heat.

"AHA, it's the big man himself how lovely" the person sneered.

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