Has he changed?

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It had all been so fuzzy. It was as if he was watching clips of his life instead of fully remembering it. He couldn't decipher where he was or where he was last. More importantly, he didn't know why he was in this position, or who put him in it.

"Winny Winny" he heard echo through his skull, which gave him pulses of ringing in his mind. Win prayed that whoever was calling him would stop calling him, he couldn't stand it. His vision was still extremely blurry. Suddenly he was yanked from wherever he was.

He would have walked if he could, but he couldn't, so he was dragged instead. He then was sat back down.

"You must be hungry Winny" someone whined.

His vision was starting to clear up, however, he still couldn't comprehend who he was with.

"Who... are... you" Win struggled.

Chatter echoed in the background during the long silence. Sending waves through his head once again.

"I'm your boyfriend of course. Don't you remember?"

The figure came closer to him. Too close actually, Win still couldn't make out his features. Win shook his head slowly, and head movements shot waves of pain.

"What a shame. You must have hit your head hard" he tsked.

Win could tell that he was sad about Win's injuries, it still didn't sound genuine though. He didn't have any emotional connection with this guy so how can he possibly be his boyfriend. What does he know however he's really fucked up in the head at the moment. Win got spoon-feed and his vision sooner or later came back.

"T- Throne?" Win looked in awe.

"How great you remember. Good thing I saved you babe" Throne weirdly smiled.

"I'm not your babe. Bright--"

Win started to look around, he was still confused as hell. Throne being here made it even worse.

He was violently grabbed by his arms.

"DO NOT TALK ABOUT BRIGHT HERE" Throne yelled, he was shaking Win by his arms violently.

"HE manipulated you. HE hurt you, that's why you're like this. HE never loved you. I DO" Throne yelled.

Win shut his eyes tightly. He was so confused that he would rather shut himself out than hear anything.

And just like that, his mood changed.

"I love you," Throne said sweetly. How the hell can someone switch their moods like that? Win has never been fond of Throne, he was always with him because he had no choice and now he's being told they're together. Something wasn't right at all.

Sitting on that concrete floor in handcuffs was the most uncomfortable position ever. He knew never to speak of Bright or be loud. All the cuts and bruises on his body didn't seem to bother him, he had been so high on meds that he didn't feel much. He could only guess how long he's been here, 2 or 4 days?

"Winny let's play a game" Throne said, joining him on the floor.

Win never responded to the Throne. He didn't want to.

"Oki doki, ask me any questions love" Throne smiled.

He didn't understand how Throne could go from cheerful to angry within seconds. It was so scary, he never knew when he could just snap.

"Why am I here?" Win gazed at him.

"Oh excellent question, well I'm keeping you safe of course" Throne explained.

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