Jacksburrow Ave

485 35 2


Win had to admit the restaurant was stunning, just like everything Bright owned. Bright's belongings were displayed as if he were entering a competition, they had to be presentable at all times. The restaurant had a certain vibe Win couldn't quiet but his finger on. There was a dark feel to the restaurant, almost like a club. The furniture was dark and lovely. Glasses at the bar were all Winchester bottles, which added to the almost rustic scenery.

When Win entered he couldn't help but feel out of place, he found himself observing his surroundings. It wasn't only the guest that seemed to outdress Win it was also the waiters, the waiters were in suits and ties. He could imagine everyone looking at him strangely, he probably looked like a lost child at the moment.

"Do you have a reservation sir? '' asked a waitress, Win hadn't even had a chance to approach the front desk. Great customer service Win thought.

"Oh, I- I'm meeting someone actually, uh I dunno wher--" Win looked around, he nervously picked at his fingers. He wasn't even sure if Bright was here. Bright was truly a man of his words but lately, Win has been second-guessing his judgment on him.

"Are you with Bright?" the waitress questioned. She was very hesitant to ask that question.

"Yes!" A weight was lifted off of his chest. The waitress fixed her posture quickly as if she had met a celebrity.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't aware you were with Bright, right this way" she urged. She started to lead the way and Win followed. Why had they treated Bright that way, this was very strange.

The more Win explored this restaurant the more Win realized how nice it was. The booths were wine red. Everything here was like modern rustic, this place was stunning. Win had always been interested in home design, he found it very interesting. The number of people in the restaurant started to diminish as they made their way to the very back. Finally Win spotted Bright.

Bright was sitting at the table. He had been handsome as always. Win promised to himself that he wouldn't show Bright the attention he wanted until he got what he came here for. No matter how amazing Bright looked. He wanted the truth, and he would definitely walk away for good if Bright gave him some bull.

"Thank you for coming, Win" Bright's eyes lit up with Win's presence.

"Yeah" Win nodded before sitting down.

"Why does everyone know you here?" Win asked, he wanted to skip the small talk. Win glazed around the area to see multiple people looking towards them. This made Win feel icky, everyone seemed so... judgmental.

"I just always come here," Bright said. Win knew he wasn't lying, but he was definitely hiding information like always. He should have never come here, Bright would never change. He simply rolled his eyes at Bright's response.

"What would y'all handsome young men like to order today?" she asked politely, smiling at the two of them. Win was glad she interrupted their conversation.

"I'll take the Tuscan Butter Shrimp, sweetheart," Bright explained.

Win didn't know if he was just being jealous, but something made his stomach turn. Bright calling someone else a sweetheart didn't sound right. They seemed like they knew each other. She was so beautiful, was that the reason she was being called a "sweetheart"? The words on his menu started to be unreadable. Win was simply looking at his menu to distract himself. Bright was not the flirtatious type, perhaps he was behaving like such purposely, he thought.

"Same, I'll get the same," Win said dryly. He started to fumble around with the napkin in front of him. Win's movements often came off as nervous even though he wasn't inside, at least he had not thought so. He didn't want to seem nervous, especially not now.

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