How it Should've Started

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"Yes sir?" Mia picked up the phone. Win had stolen Brights phone, he had to use his fingerprint to get. Thats why he planned to do it as he slept. He felt so bad for doing this.

"Uhhh- no- it's Win" he chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. He felt problematic for asking her but he needed this favor.

"Oh... hey Win, is everything okay?" she sounded worried. Bright probably hadn't noticed it but his workers cared a lot about him, especially Vermont and Mia. He often separated himself from friendships however he should be more open; he thought. Heck Win didn't have many friends either, who was he to talk.

"No no, everything fine. I have a favor I'm sorry for asking. Can you fire whoever is flying Bright temporarily?" Win tapped on his knee.

"I mean yeah, I'll have to ask Bright before going in with that" Mia stated.

"No no, I don't want Bright to know. I'm aware this makes you look bad in Brights eyes but I need this. Before I started working for Bright flying was my life, that's what I loved doing and Bright's taken that away from me. He keeps telling me to rest and I'm done resting. Can you please just-"

"I get it, I'll do it. Just control him if he gets mad, he only listens to you because he loves you" Mia stated before hanging up.

'Because he loves him?' Win stood with the phone in his hand for a while. Was she for real? He knew that Bright liked him however 'love' is a whole new level. His thoughts were ripped away when he heard a voice from behind him.

"Goodmorning Win" Bright stated. He gasped, he tried to hide the phone behind his back but it quickly fell out of his hands. Bright looked at his phone on the ground and back at Win. He couldn't do anything but nervously smile as he stared him down. He took a deep breath in. He couldn't tell if he was mad or not. Bright was amazing at masking his facial expressions in tight situations, unlike Win.

"Explain please," he said not moving a muscle.

"I-" Win couldn't speak.

"Do you not trust me? You can look through my phone Win" Bright crossed his arms. Why did he say that like they were a couple? They weren't technically dating. If he was talking to other people that was none of Wins business. 

"WHAT!! No, not at all. I mean yeah I trust you. But-" Win smacked his forehead, he decided to not continue that statement.

"Okay look. I know you keep telling me that I need rest. However honestly I'm tired of being in this house, I'm tired of being left alone. God, damn it if Mary tells me one more thing about her grandchildren I think I'm gonna flip out" Win walked towards Bright.

He firmly gripped Brights hands.

"Please let me be your pilot again" Win pleaded.

Brights eyes shot open with surprise.

"Win, I don't think we are on the same page here. I was asking why you have my phone without me knowing" he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, I had your phone because I needed to contact Mia. I told her to fire that pilot so I can take you back. I didn't want you to get mad though" Win said extremely quickly, he directed his glaze to the floor. Here was when he got yelled at. However to his surprise, Bright started to chuckle. Win looked up in disbelief.

"You are jealous?" Bright laughed.

"JEALOUS? Of what?" Wins face started to heat up.

"The pilot" Bright looked at WIn.

"I don't get jealous, I said I was tired of being in the house" Win raised his arms and dropped them.

"If you say so darling" Bright smiled and grabbed Win's cheeks teasingly. He could feel his skin start to boil. Was that jealousy? Perhaps Bright was just brainwashing him to think that it was jealousy. Just for the kicks and giggles. 

My Pilot حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن