That episodic memory

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The car ride was completely silent until Vermont cleared his throat. 

"So, that was a lot wasn't it?" Vermont chuckled. Win watched Bright give him the side-eye from the front seat. He didn't understand why Bright got so annoyed with Vermont, he could be funny at times. Win sat in the back seat with his knees to his chest. He kept playing back what had just happened. Everything was still a shock to him, he couldn't believe it was finally over. At least he hoped it was. He stared at Bright, he knew that he was signing a death trap when he said yes to Bright he just didn't expect all of this to happen. Bright had warned him though.

"Everything will have to be wiped, we should all change locations not just Win and I" he stated, to the both of them Win assumed. 

"Yes sir" Vermont sighed. He was indeed right, although Kunlatorn was dead it didn't mean his workers couldn't try to catch them. He wondered if 'everything' was really going to be wiped. Even his main office? 

"My days in the mafia will be over" Bright looked ahead at nobody. There was a long silence, he was sure Vermont had not expected that statement either. Wait, what? Was he really leaving the mafia?! Win quickly leaned in closer to both of them.

"Are you serious?" Win nearly shouted. He could feel a sense of relief, however, he told himself not to get too excited just yet. This is what he always wanted. He wanted Bright to never be associated with the mafia. 

"Yes, my father was practically the cause of me being a part of this crap. Ever since I was a child I was forced to be intertwined with dealing and..." Bright was cut off by Win's squeals.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" Win squeezed Bright's forearm, he stared at Win blankly.

"We can finally start a life together" he shook Bright with excitement. Win could hear Vermonts chuckles from behind him. 

"W-well, I suppose, that won't happen for a while though, Win. I'll give it a few months to a year" Bright said stunned. 

"I don't care I just hoped you would say it one day" Win buried his face in his arm. Moments later Bright patted the top of Win's head. He could almost cry, this meant he no longer had to fear that Bright was putting himself in danger. They could have kids, get married, and live in a nice house close to Wins family. Win quickly let go of Bright.

"You can meet all my family!!" Win nearly hopped out of his seat. He stared at Bright who had his lips parted. He nodded slowly at Win's comment. Bright kissed the top of his forehead and he suddenly felt his face start to heat up. Not in front of Vermont, he thought. Bright must have noticed Win being flustered because he started to chuckle at him. It felt like it was forever since Win has heard him laugh, he started to feel warmth throughout his whole body. He wanted it to be like this forever, these were the little moments Win couldn't help but cherish. He slowly closed his eyes. 

"Okay, love birds. Could you guys save that for the bedroom" Vermont rolled his eyes, it wasn't long before Bright hit him hard on the shoulder? 

"Goddamn, for someone so little you sure do hit hard" Vermont rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm not little you're just big for no reason" Bright scrunched his eyebrows annoyed. Win couldn't help but laugh, now that he thinks about it Vermont is the only person that can annoy Bright in that way. 

"Yeah yeah. I dunno why you like someone so mean like Bright, Win" Vermont tsked.

"I'm not mean, you just piss me off more than anyone else" Bright huffed looking out the window.

"Yet we are friends," Vermont said briefly looking at a Win with a smile on his face. That smile was like an older brother messing with the youngest, Vermont found enjoyment from this. Bight getting annoyed that is. 

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