First Step to Our Empire

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Bright woke up from startle, his phone was ringing and he quickly picked up hoping he hadn't woken Win. When he answered he quickly stepped out of the room into the hotel hallway. "Hello?" Bright attempted to say not sleepily. "Hi, this is Win's mother. I was just calling to see when we'd be meeting up this afternoon", Bright quickly straightened up and unflattened his hair as if she could see him. "Oh yes, I bought everyones tickets to the Eiffel Tower, that's where I was intending to propose. Although I want to meet up with all of you guys beforehand perhaps around 1pm. Win would be the most surprised about that, he really misses you guys" Bright finished explaining. His mom sounded excited and after a bit more catching up they ended the call and Bright went back inside. "Who was that?" Win spoke and Bright slightly got startled but didn't show it. "Good morning baby, it was a quick business call" Bright said slipping his phone into his robe pocket. "Business call, we'll if it's a business call why don't you show me?" Win said sitting up, his hair was slightly messy and although his eyes were puffy he squinted them questioning him. "I'm afraid I can't do that" Bright said shifting his feet. Win looked taken aback from what Bright had said. Quickly Win completely got out of the bed. "You must think I'm stupid, running off for hours and not telling me where you're going. Picking up phone calls and leaving to answer them. What do you think that looks like?" Win crossed his arms tightly and inched towards Bright. "I've always done that Win and you've never questioned it, why have you been so bitchy the past few days" fuck he didn't mean to say that. "Bitchy?! I've been bitchy?! I'll show you how bitchy I can be" Win yelled and quickly grabbed a glass from the side table, Bright didn't know what he'd do with it but he quickly stopped him by grabbing his wrist and pulling him close. "Listen here, we're on a trip, stop questioning me on everything because obviously if we go to Paris I have surprises for you. Yesterday I couldn't reserve a reservation so I did that just now, so calm down and go get ready" Bright said dominantly and shot his eyes to the bathroom further indicating for Win to get ready. Wins eyes softened as he stared at Bright completely stunned. Once he felt his body relax he finally let go of Win. Then he silently got ready and Bright let out a sigh.

It was a lovely day, the sun was shining but the nice breeze compensated for it. Bright was holding his hand and slightly going in circles with his thumb, previously Win tried to escape his grip but of course Bright won. "I thought it would be nice if we biked instead of taxied" Bright suggested looking in Wins eyes however he quickly looked away, he couldn't stand looking at him, a part of him wanted to pout but the other half couldn't because he loved him too much. Win slightly nodded to his suggestion and he watched civilians do daily activities ahead of him. "Would you like to rent a bike or buy one?" Bright asked Win in which he gave him a confused look. "Why would we buy a whole bike in Paris and take it all the way to Thailand?" Win slightly snapped at him. "Buying a bike in Paris is much different from buying one a in Thailand, you're aware you can get any bike that catches your eye, or two if you can't decide, it's on me " Bright said looking down at Win to force eye contact. He always had this smirk on his face, like he was constantly trying to win him over. Win slightly smiled even though he hadn't meant to, which was enough of an indication for Bright.

Win had forgotten that Bright could speak descent French, he only realized until he was speaking to the shop owner of the bike store. Win really wished he knew half of the things they were talking about. After a few minutes Bright was holding Wins hand as he desperately looked for a bike. He never let him get too close to the bikes, he'd grip his hand forcefully whenever Win tried to examine the bikes further. "Why do you keep doing that?" Win stopped in his tracks. "I know you more than you think Metawin, stop trying to glance at the price tags of these bikes. These are well designed bikes, the prices don't define none of these bikes, we're simply buying for the aesthetic you please" Bright explained to him rather calmly. It was as if he analyzed every single movement Win did, it was rather flattering but also annoying at times. Suddenly, Wins eyes lit up. He remembered this silly cartoon that his grandmother use to put on when he was younger. Everyone in the show use to either love or envy this beautiful girl in the city. The girls in town would envy her however the guys in town thought quite the opposite. Looking through that screen on the living room floor of his grandmas house, Win use to love her, not in a romantic way however he wanted to strive just like her. The bike that she rode around town in the cartoon, greatly resembled the bike here in the shop. A light pastel yellow, with toasted handles and seats, a white basket, it even had a silhouette of a cherry blossom tree which stopped Win in his thoughts. Had that been in the cartoon or had his mind giving him the impression that it had been? The bike was beautiful none the less and he was sure Bright had realized and agreed on its beauty. "What great taste you have my love" Bright said nudging Win in the head. He decided to keep the childhood memory to himself.

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