The Vacation

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Maybe it wasn't every full moon, because Bright had been at Win's side when he woke up the following morning. He was surprised, out of all the days he was here, the day of their trip or should he say Brights business trip that he's tagging along. "Why are you here?" Win asked, rubbing his eyes. "Like I said the other day, I felt bad about our first trip to Paris, I'll make today count" Bright's eyes glistened in the morning light. Win could only stare and nod slowly to his statement.

Bright sat him down and cooked right in front of him, he was doing this as if they didn't have a flight to catch. Typically they had to wake up extremely early especially since Win had a lot to prepare for before flight. However, today Bright cooked and even waited for him to wake up. "This is great love, but what time should I prepare for our flight,?" he asked across the table politely. "Don't worry about any of that, I've got someone else to fly for us?" he answered unbothered, he didn't turn around at all, instead, he kept his eyes on whatever he was cooking. "Someone else?" Win's voice cracked, he didn't know how to feel, he felt relieved however at the same time betrayed. He was his pilot, being a pilot was very exhausting at times but it was an honor especially since he was flying Bright. "Yes Win" he finally turned around and leaned on the counter, "And no it's not because I think you're a bad pilot, it's because I want this trip to feel more like a vacation, especially for you" Bright finished explaining with his head tilted. "I understand," Win said briefly, looking down before meeting Bright's eyes. They held eye contact for a few seconds, Win wondered what he was thinking. Love? Annoyance? He hoped not. He quickly glanced at what he was cooking, he saw sliced potatoes and what appeared to be an Omelet, it's been a while since Win's eaten one. He looked back at Bright who was still staring, he felt his face get hot. "W-" he started to say something but then decided to stay quiet. "I love you very much," Bright finally said, breaking the silence. He was still leaning on the counter, his hair had gotten a lot longer and it was now brushing against his long eyelashes. He wouldn't mind if he had kept his hair this length. "I love you too," he said trying to hide his smile, why did Bright still make him so nervous? He could've just slapped himself for being this way.

"Oh my god" Win said after taking his first bite of breakfast. "Is it good?" Bright asked with a worried expression. "Yes extremely" Win responded with wide eyes. He smiled at his response, "I'm glad" Bright nodded and ate it himself. They ate and talked for quite some time, they asked each other how they slept and how they felt as a whole. It felt good, very good, catching up even though they rarely went a day without seeing each other. Win had a holy feeling about today, though he didn't consider himself spiritual. "Are you still thinking about going back to school?" Win recalled Bright once mentioning that. "Yes actually," Bright said, he looked up in thought before catching his eyes again. "I was thinking of going into business," he stated.

Win nodded, and Bright looked at him with a question. "What's the matter?" Bright looked at him with confusion, he had his fork on the tip of his fingers. "Oh nothing," Win said, smiling at his plate. "I just think business is the thing for you, you'll be amazing at it. "Thank you darling" he returned the smile. Bright finished before him, and he sat there looking at him, enjoying his presence at least that's what he hoped. He couldn't tell, it was still difficult to read his expressions sometimes. He was sure that Bright didn't hide them intentionally. Then again, what did he know? It didn't bother Win much, he knew that if he asked him how he felt he would be honest.

It was humid and hot outside which left a stench in the airport that Win couldn't pinpoint. "Love, we have about 10 minutes to get there, you know I despise being tardy. Let's put some pep in our step" Bright requested. All of today he's been more of a gentleman than he normally was. Win didn't know how to react however inside there was a feeling that he had been a burden. Was this what it was like without a busy Bright?

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