Easing Down the Road

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He kissed Win on the forehead before he left that morning. He could almost skip outside to the car, Mia told him yesterday that the ring had been finished. For almost 2 weeks we waited, stressfully even. He pulled off, he was on his way. He started thinking about how he used to get driven around, not anymore. Not after that big incident, he considered for a while however he settled on driving himself. It wasn't bad, it gave him a sense of control whenever he did drive. Of course, there was a feeling you would- he was cut off, his phone was ringing. He waited for a few rings before answering, it was an unlisted number how strange.
He answered and it was a girl "Is it really true?" the girl asked, he furrowed his brows uncertain and confused.
"May I ask who this is?" Bright said forcefully.
"Oh sorry, it's Ming" she exclaimed. He sighed with relief. He didn't know why that had given him so much panic. It was just Wins sister.
"Are you referring to the engagement?" Bright finally pulled all his attention completely on the road.
"Yes yes, the engagement!" She exclaimed and squealed. He couldn't help his smile, he looked at himself shyly in the rear-view mirror.
"Yes, it's true. But don't tell Win, he doesn't know" Bright said going from cheerful to serious, he would be very upset if this was spoiled. She started promising how she would keep it a secret and ensure all of Win's family was on the same page. They talked until the end of the car ride about plans and dates, she reminded him nothing about Win which he found funny. They said their goodbyes and Bright hung up after he sat there in the car for a minute or two. He looked outside at the ring shop, he prayed that the ring was more than he imagined and Bright wasn't even much of a religious person.

He walked into the shop holding his breath. "Welcome back Mr. Vachirawit" the older man greeted him. Bright gave him a small smile. "The ring is all finished" he paused and chuckled "obviously" he finished. He looked underneath his glass container and picked up a small plastic box. That was it Bright though, his harms flopping to both sides. "You my, friend is welcome to pick out any box here. For free" he said with a smile. Bright couldn't help but laugh, something about this guy was intriguing. He probably did this because of the amount of money he gave him. Nevertheless, it was a nice gesture. His dark brown eyes stared into his, it reminded him of Win. He cleared his throat "That's very kind, sir. But id like to pay like everyone else" Bright sat up straight. "Very well" he sat on a little stool behind the counter.

Bright slowly started roaming through the store. He looked at every ring box they had. Although there was one in particular that his eyes kept catching on to. This very dark brown one with some sort of engraved writing that he hadn't read yet. Bright gently picked it up. "Of course, you'd pick the most expensive one" the old man laughed behind the counter. Bright slightly nodded to the guy's comment, he kept his eyes on the box. "Once United" the box said, he felt like that could have multiple definitions. He liked it, a lot. He walked towards the counter. The man nodded "100" he stated the price.

The man put the ring in the box. It looked amazing. The ring from far looked like a simple band but from close, you could see the diamonds embedded inside. To top it off the engravements inside the ring that had meaning behind it, Win was sure to love it. The box gave the ring even more justice. Bright handed him the money for the box, he had already paid for the ring in advance. He took the money. "One more thing" the man added, he put his hand out asking for the ring and the box Bight had. Bright handed it back and the man went in the back doors. He waited and he came back with a gold bag to put the box and ring in. "Thank you so much, "Bright said genuinely, which he rarely did. The simple bowed and smiled. He was on his way.

The second he got in the car he sighed with relif. That was one big thing checked off the stress list. He looked in the bag before pulling off and started to laugh. This man, he retuned the 100 dolers to him. Bright looked up to see him waving at him though the store window. Bright chuckled and honked his horn, he shook his head and bowed his head saying thank you. He was truly a good guy, he really gave it to him for free he thought to himself before pulling off. He called Mia giving her the good knews, she seemed as excided as him.

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