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Alex was sitting beside the bed when I woke up. His head leaned on the railing of the bed and his lips were parted. I could hear each time he exhaled.

I looked around me, taking in my surroundings. I was at Alex's house. In the living room, actually. I was laying in a hospital bed which seemed so out of place. A white sheet covered my legs and torso.

My head whipped to either side of me as I looked for my bunny or my bear. At least one of them to help me stay calm. But neither of them were there.

I gripped the sheet under me as I pushed myself into a sitting position. I cried out at the jolt of pain that pinched at my chest.

"Lyla?" Alex jerked upright and reached out for me. He was struggling to open his eyes and focus on me.

I put my hand on my chest and felt something puffy under the nightgown I wore. At least it wasn't a hospital gown. I lifted it up and saw a nasty red scar in the center of my chest.

I'd never injured myself so badly to get a scar that intense. It looked angry, like something really bad had happened.

Tears built in my eyes as I put my fingers over the skin. It felt hot but it didn't hurt to touch it.

Alex took my hand and pulled it away from the scar. "Ly, it's okay. You're okay."

I looked up at him and tried focusing on him and not the scar on my chest. He looked healthier than the last time I saw him. His eyes were red but no longer had dark circles under them. He hadn't shaved in a few days but I was sure it was because he didn't want to leave my side.

"Does it hurt?"

I shook my head. I figured the spot would be scary looking as it healed. Wounds like that didn't heal overnight. I'd just have to get used to it.

He brushed my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. "Are you feeling up for a bath?"

"Will you stay with me?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

I reached out for him.

"Hold on. I have to take your IV out." I followed his gaze to the IV needle that stuck out of my hand. I whimpered at the sight of it.

He pulled the IV out and wrapped it around the stand beside the bed. A bag of medicine or something hung at the top. He rubbed the back of my hand before picking me up.

He carried me to the steps and started up them, careful not to bounce me too much.

"Do you know where my stuffed animals are?"

He looked down at me. It seemed like a stupid thing to care about but I didn't want to lose them. My parents had given me the bunny and it was all I had left from them. I couldn't sleep without it anymore.

"I had to hunt them down but I found them. They're in your room."

"Good." I rested my head against his shoulder as he walked into his room. Sitting against the opposite wall beside his dresser were boxes. They said 'bedroom' on the sides, written in permanent marker. I pointed to them, not understanding why they were there. "What are those for?"

He sighed and I knew this was a conversation he was avoiding. "We're... moving."

"You don't mean out of Alpine, do you?" I already knew the answer.

"No." He walked into the bathroom and set me on the toilet lid. He started the bath, pushing the stopper in the drain to hold the water.

"When were you going to tell me?"


I rolled my eyes at him. "We're moving tomorrow then, I take it?"

A small smile played on his lips as he turned to look at me. He sat on the edge of the tub. "Nothing gets past you, does it?"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You were asleep, Lyla. I wasn't going to wake you up just to tell you we were moving. Besides, I didn't think you were going to wake up when you did."

"You were just going to move while I slept?" I thought Alex was dumb but this took it to a new level.

"That was the plan."

I shook my head at him. "It was a stupid plan."

"Not entirely. I've already moved a good bit of stuff. You didn't wake up for any of it."

"How long was I asleep?"

"About three weeks."

My eyes widened. Three weeks was a long time to be asleep.

"After your surgery, we put you in a coma so you wouldn't have to deal with the pain. After that, you just... kept sleeping. Dr. Blair said you'd wake up when you were ready."

"Who's Dr. Blair?" It was a stupid thing to focus on but when every person I'd met in Alpine was out to get me, I couldn't trust anyone.

"She worked with Monica. She was the only person I could trust to take care of you. Aside from Monica."

I suddenly remembered what had happened and knew that Monica was the one who was shot first. By her own father, nonetheless. It made my stomach turn just thinking about it. "Is... is she okay?"

He let out a deep breath. "She's still recovering. She got shot in her spine."

I stared down at my hands. I felt responsible for what happened to her. I felt the same way about Alex. If they hadn't met me, none of this would have happened. Alex wouldn't have betrayed his father and Alpine, Monica wouldn't have been shot trying to protect me, and their father wouldn't be dead. Sure, he was a bad guy but I never wanted anyone to die.

He reached and took my hands in his. "Lyla, this isn't your fault. We all made choices that got us where we are. Some good and some bad."

"What exactly happened? I don't remember much."

"Are you sure you want to know?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a baby; I can handle it."

He smiled as he lifted my nightgown over my head. "After your bath, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

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