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Cooper was taking forever to learn how to do everyday tasks. He cried all the time and couldn't handle being away from Naomi or Alex for too long. He couldn't hold his head up or crawl yet so there wasn't much I could do with him.

I wanted someone to play with at home. That's what a sibling was for. I hated being stuck doing things by myself all the time because Cooper was too small and Naomi and Alex were busy. I knew eventually Cooper would grow up but it seemed like it was taking forever.

Naomi was setting up and decorating the Christmas tree but wouldn't let me help. She had Cooper trapped in the playpen while he lay on his back. She told me several times that I was too little to help so I sat on the couch and watched.

Christmas was my favorite time of year. Not being able to help decorate or participate in normal Christmas activities really made me sad and upset. It took away a large chunk of the fun of the holiday and what made it so special.

Alex walked into the room and stopped behind the couch to look at the tree. "Maybe we should make some handprint ornaments of the kids as sort of a keepsake."

Naomi looked over her shoulder at him. "I like that. It would be nice to do it every year and compare their hand sizes."

I looked down at my hands in my lap. My hands were so small. I knew they weren't going to get any bigger because I wasn't going to get any bigger. I know Naomi didn't mention it to mock me yet it still made me sad.

"We still have some time to think about it. Speaking of, we need to start shopping for Christmas."

I looked back at him. "You mean you haven't even started yet?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "When do I have time to shop?"

"I could go with you. I can help you find stuff for Cooper."

"That's a good idea, Ly. Cooper and I can try to find you some stuff." Naomi said with excitement in her voice.

"Just make sure he doesn't slobber on anything." Cooper was learning what his hands were which meant they were going into his mouth. He was a very wet baby so he drooled on everything. It grossed me out to even think about it.

"That's his extra present for you. He's telling you how much he loves you."

My nose scrunched up. "Ew."

Alex laughed and went over to the playpen that Cooper was trapped in. He leaned over the side and picked Cooper up. "Hey, buddy."

Cooper's head bobbled as Alex picked him up. When he saw it was Alex, he gave him a gummy smile.

"How long will it take him to hold his head up?" I asked.

"It will probably be two or three months before he can hold it up. Then he has to work on sitting up on his own. His head is so big right now that it's hard for him to support it without help."

I grinned. "I'm definitely going to pick on him for that when he's older."

Alex chuckled and sat down beside me on the couch. "I'm sure you will."

I got up on my knees and crawled closer to him and Cooper. I reached out for Cooper and put my finger inside the fist he was clenching together. He turned his head in my direction and promptly let go of my finger. I was almost disappointed until he reached out and grabbed a chunk of my hair in his first.

"Ow, ow, ow. Help!" I yelled. Babies were so small but they had so much strength.

Alex helped to pry me away from Cooper and took Cooper's hands to distract him from my hair. "Guess we can't let you two play together just yet."

"I thought he was supposed to be nice at this age."

"He doesn't know right from wrong yet. It'll take him years to learn what to do and not to do."

I groaned. "Does that mean I have to put up with hair pulling for that long?"

"Hopefully not but it's possible."

"Okay, I've definitely changed my mind on wanting a brother."

"It's a little too late for that." Naomi said.

I sighed. "Hopefully he'll be more fun in a few years."

"Yeah, when he's picking on you back."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't appreciate that."

"Hey, someone has to defend him when he can't. Us boys have to stick up for one another." Cooper pulled Alex's hand toward his mouth and started gumming on his fingers.

"Have fun with that."

Alex's phone began to ring on the coffee table and Monica's name popped up. He picked his phone up and walked from the room, taking Cooper with him.

I sat back where I was and put my pacifier in my mouth. I continued watching Naomi decorate the tree from where I was, wishing I could have been helping.

Being a baby sucked.

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