1: Changing Tides

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Cold was the breeze that carried across the beach, underlining the eerie mist that hovered above the otherwise calm ocean.

There were no sounds but those made by the water and the birds, flying in the sky above.

All the people of Irima were back in their homes, where they spent the remainder of their days. A civilization that had given up—and old age ruled them all.

I did not feel welcome or remotely safe in this place. We meant to only gather supplies for the rest of the journey, but after the lady with the Auburn hair turned out to be one of the Thrakos brother's friends... Well, our journey was cut short, to say the least, and therefor supplies—had there even been any to scavenge for—were no longer needed.

A burning pain spread in my heart when I thought about that moment I'd seen that particular shade of red from afar—it had reminded me so much of my mother. For a second, I'd even hoped it had been her. A broken part of me had wished it would be.

It would have meant that she'd cared enough for us that she'd come looking for us. Disappointment snuck through me and soured my mood. No, my mother did not care for us, least of all for me. It was stupid and naive to think otherwise, no matter the circumstances.

Reagan, whose muscles flexed as he picked up the nameless lady, said nothing as we descended a flight of stairs made of wood to get back onto the beach on the other side of Irima. I glanced at Dante when the rest of us followed him silently. "Who is she?" I inquired, Reagan quite a bit ahead of us, walking along the beach. Dante's eyes were on Reagan's back. "Her name is Deina. She's one of our Vatess'es. They can predict the future, in a way," Dante explained then.

"And why is Reagan carrying her?" Kendra asked, voicing my thoughts.

Dante shrugged, as if it was no big deal.

Kendra scoffed and said, "Promised males are not allowed to carry other females."

I seconded that, though remained quiet. That I wasn't happy about it was evident in my mood. Adding to that, I wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. Even if it was a concept only lived in our society and not theirs, it was still an act of caring that was reserved for family or very close friends.

"Deina is different," Dante answered cryptically, which only set my nerves further on edge. What was that supposed to mean?

Kendra scoffed again, probably acting as I was meant to. I was appreciative of her protection of me, however.

"Would you allow for Jaxxon to carry me like that if I were knocked out?"

She made a fair point. And Dante knew it. "Ryker or Tyrion could have taken her, too. Unless they are promised to someone as well?"

My interest was piqued at that question, for I hadn't even stopped to wonder about it myself. Dante shook his head. "Tyrion is, Ryker is not."

"Well then. Ryker could have easily taken her."

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