4: Leadership

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The three Thrakos brothers disappeared in the depths of their prison, below the sand that began to warm as the sun heated it from above. When they finally returned, it was time to go to the center of Polla'Nisia, a place they called 'Cinat'. It was their capital and according to Tyrion, 'more beautiful than anything we've ever seen'.

With a grim mood I moved behind the Thrakos men without paying much attention to anything or anyone. I sensed Kendra in front with her promised and my brothers in proximity. And I was somewhat content that they were leaving me alone so I could wallow in my own sulking. I shocked myself at how emotional I was about being parted from Reagan, especially knowing that he was with another female. Hypocrisy was definitely a term that kept floating around in my mind but it did nothing to change the bad mood I was in, unfortunately. Then again, I'd been with Holden before I met Reagan. Reagan chose to carry Deina over me, after us going so far to complete the third stage.

We walked quite a distance in which I kept my sight on my feet without scanning my surroundings like most of my pack mates probably were. I scolded myself then, reminding myself that even if I wasn't in any emotional state to at least enjoy my surroundings, I should have enough sense to analyse any possible escape routes out of this place should things go haywire.

The damn Promised Bond was excruciatingly annoying, and it was already changing me. Jealousy was an emotion I'd never experienced quite so intensely before.

I wasn't going to stand for it!

And so I tried to put on a brave face and let go of the fear that had begun to take a hold of my heart, making it feel cold in my chest.

For the first time since leaving the prison in which the traitors had been left, I looked at my surroundings and drank in the sight I was fortunate enough to behold.

The sky was drenched in various, intense shades of blue. The sun was hidden behind some clouds which gave the indigo its vibrance rather than lightening it up and making it seem like a light blue. My eyes followed the birds that flew above, large creatures with rainbow-coloured feathers that grew longer towards their tails. Their beaks were black and as far as I could tell, they had white eyes which seemed ghostly but somehow still looked beautiful. Amongst those birds flew a raven, tiny in comparison. I suspected it was Kendra's raven, though I wasn't sure for how much longer it would be permitted to roam the skies above a place that wasn't supposed to exist for the rest of Espheros.

Once we exited the forest and civilization came into view, the sheer grandness of it all took my breath away. Literally.

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