33: In a Fortnight

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"We were taught that the gods our people worshipped a few thousand years ago were replaced by witches who came to Everett Valley

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"We were taught that the gods our people worshipped a few thousand years ago were replaced by witches who came to Everett Valley. You said that the Iarhus used to be a hatchery for your kind. Is it possible that the witches were those that learned from you and may have took on a few of your rituals?" Emmet pieced everything together so quickly that my head nearly started spinning. 

His gift continued to surprise me, though I should have been used to it by now.

"You catch on quickly, Emmet", Ryker complimented, intrigued by Emmet's display of intelligence and being able to put things together with ease. 

Emmet nodded. 

Taking in a breath, Ryker continued. "Yes, I suspect that's the case."

"Nice to see that they didn't use everything against us," Tyrion commented. 

I couldn't even begin to imagine what that betrayal must have felt like. Their kind had been welcoming, showing another species they were only getting to know their ways. Helping them ease the difficulties of life by introducing them to magic. And the only thanks they got was that they created humans that barely died to prolong their lives and rotted the dragons out so they could continue to misuse magic. Tragic, really. And indescribably sad that it came down to what it was now––a war, in which one side was fighting against extinction and the other for genocide.

"Ironic, how the humans wanted to prolong life but seek to destroy it now instead," I thought aloud, not meaning for my words to reach other people's ears. 

All eyes were on me again, and I felt Reagan's gaze burn into me. 

Trying not to squirm again with the attention, I stood my ground. I would have to get used to this, at some point. 

When no one said anything for a while, Dante filled the silence. I felt curiosity and intrigue slither into me as he felt it, and I wondered why. 

"I agree completely," he said with a confused tone and I figured he must have been irritated that we shared the same opinion. 

Strangely pleased that he agreed, I tried to keep the heat from rising to my cheeks. Something about Dante always unnerved me. 

"Well, that's nice!" Kendra said, a hearty laugh following, and light chuckles filled the room. 

Even Dante couldn't keep a small grin from spreading across his face, his icy blue eyes looking right at me. Though I wasn't much one to smile, something about the change in our relationship and Kendra's comment made me give him one. 

"Never thought I'd see the day those two would get along," Ryker agreed with Kendra, catching Dante's shifting attention. 

I nearly commented that they shouldn't get used to it, but before the words had the chance to leave my mouth, I realised that I didn't want anyone to get used to Dante and I not getting along. Strangely enough, his broody demeanour was growing on me and something about him felt familiar. He was Kendra's other half, and since she was my Maecena, a part of him was quite literally familiar to me. Because of that, our paths would cross regardless of who his brother was. By forming the Maecena bond, a small fraction of our souls connected. It was why Kendra could sense whenever I was in a mood, even if I didn't have my gift. 

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