9: Absence

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As soon as the Thrakos men were well out of hearing range and no one else seemed to be around at the moment, the pack broke out in whispers

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As soon as the Thrakos men were well out of hearing range and no one else seemed to be around at the moment, the pack broke out in whispers.

"Where will they take us, you think?" Debrova repeated her promised's question, to which her sister said, "I hope we'll get some answers. I don't understand in the least bit what's going on."

I overheard Cora and Emmet speaking to each other as well.

Instinctively I wanted to focus my attention to something else, out of respect to their bond, but something about the emotions they both had made me listen in anyways. It was rude, but I couldn't help myself.

"Derran should be here," Cora whispered quietly, her voice filled with sorrow at the loss of her friend. Emmet made a 'mh-hmm' sound, agreeing with her. "I'm still shaken about it too."

Cora's walls seemed go up instantly, I could feel her anger travel towards me as it flared up.

"How can you even say that? You don't let me feel anything. As far as I'm concerned, you quite literally don't really feel at all," she snapped, keeping her voice levelled as she attacked my brother.

Had they both already completed the third stage? Eye-contact being the first and physical contact the second stage seemed inevitable when two people were such close friends for so long. The fact that she spoke of him sharing his emotions with her did indicate that they'd kissed. But it contradicted itself––I wasn't aware that promiseds without a gift like mine could willingly share or not share emotions with their other halves. I'd been under the impression that with the completion of the third stage the exchange of emotions was fluid and not voluntary.

"Cora, you feel your own emotions so strongly you barely register mine. That doesn't mean they do not exist," Emmet explained calmly. Cora made a 'hmpf' sound at that.

"I hate that you explain everything like that. Makes it hard to fight with you," she replied, defeated and amused at the same time. Her behaviour changed immediately and abruptly.

Emmet chuckled. "I know."

Cora's voice flattened when she spoke next. "That's the one thing I don't understand about you, though, even after the third stage. You have an answer for everything, and you've always had this insane mind. I sense the same thing from your sister and your brother, but I can't place what it is. Something about it isn't quite right."

Emmet seemed taken aback by that, for a slight raise of tension became tangible even where I was standing. They were both a few meters behind Reece and I. Reece was in a hushed conversation with Jarred that I wasn't listening to, so he didn't take note of anything I was learning. He can't feel anything either, I reminded myself, feeling stupid for thinking for a second that he could sense the change. I was alone in this and mentioning it to either of them would only result in a discussion about me invading Emmet's privacy, which was a fight I would lose.

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