New Glasses

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With Dib back in his possession, Zim felt relieved, but he hid it from all the others. "Back so soon?" Zim asked as Dib was dragged over to him. "I suppose so." Dib sighed. Zim smirked. "I guess you'll be staying as my guest a while longer. I don't mind. Take him to his room." Zim barked the order at the two guards and they began to drag Dib off in a different direction. Dib just let it happen, keeping his eyes on Zim, Not that he could see anything more than a blurry figure.

Zim rubbed the back of his head, tracing the scar with a finger. He frowned and called Gir to his side. "Prepare the vessel. And go get Dib-stink another Glass-thing for his eyes. And remember, I want the vessel to be perfect. Flawless." Gir saluted. "It will be done, master. I'll have the vessel ready for you soon."

Zim nodded absentmindedly, still running his fingers over the scar. 

-Dib's POV-

I sat in a room by myself, waiting for something to happen. Finally, the door opened and Gir walked in with something in hand. "Hey, I don't know what that is, but keep it away from me," I told the small robot, who just continued to approach. "Hush, I need to get a scan of your eyes. Master wants your goofy glass-things remade. And here I thought he would have preferred you helpless like this." I frowned at Gir's words, but before I could protest a red light shot in my eyes.

"Just sit tight, I'll send someone in to check your wounds. Sorry that Zim let them fester for so long." I sighed in annoyance. "Fine, whatever," I mumbled, hugging my knees. "Do you have a shower here?" I asked as Gir turned to leave. "No, Irkens don't get like you humans do." he laughed and walked out. I huffed and rolled my eyes. I guess even if they did, it wouldn't be regular water since it burns them.

A long while after the door opened, letting light into the room. A small Irken came in and timidly sat in front of me, opening up a box. "Hey," The alien jumped and shushed me. "I was told not to talk to you." Figures. "But you just spoke to me, did you not?" I asked. The Irken said nothing else. 

My wounds were dressed, and the Irken stood up and leaned in too close for comfort. "Be careful. He's always watching." The doctor whispered in my ear. "Huh? What are you saying?" I was hushed again and was left alone once more in the darkness. I stood up and went to the door, feeling around for the way to open it when I heard a shriek from just outside, and then silence. I backed away from the door just as it opened up, revealing Gir. 

"Did you hear that?" I asked the blue-eyed bot. "Hear what? I didn't hear anything. Silly human." he laughed. " I have your glasses. I changed the model since your previous ones were atrocious." I felt the glasses as he placed them in my hand.  I put them on and could see perfectly again, even better than I could out of my old ones. Alien tech was so cool. I looked down at Gir and smiled. "Hey, thanks." He gave a salute and then turned to walk out. When he was in complete light again I noticed that his left arm was covered in a red liquid. The door closed before he could address it, however.

-Zim's POV-

When I returned to my room everything was back in its place. Oh Gir, he sure works hard. I sat on the bed, which was designed differently from my last one. I continued to feel the imperfection on the back of my head and smiled. Soon, everything would be perfect. My door opened, and Gir walked in, his red eyes reverting to blue. He jumped up on my lap and sat down, nodding his head back and forth before he powered off. I patted the top of his chrome-plated head and cradled him in my arm, using my right hand to trace along the scar again.

A scent caught my attention, and I looked back at Gir. I lifted him up, his limbs dangling beside him. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, though. I shrugged and dismissed the strange smell of Irken blood and cleaning chemicals and laid down, cuddling Gir and trying to fall asleep. Gir had it easy, just being able to power off whenever he saw fit.

I sighed and tapped my fingers on the side of his head in a fluid pattern for a moment. Gir suddenly powered back on and sat up, eyes red again. "Sir, the vessel is ready." I grinned and jumped off the bed and out the door. "Let's not waste any time then!"

"But Sir, may I suggest something before we go to the chamber?" Gir asked, putting his tiny hands together and smiling. I nodded and heard him out. "Why don't you go and see Dib one last time?" I pondered it, then nodded. "Alright, take me to him then." Gir shook his head. "Hold on, master, Meds first," I grumbled but agreed.

-Dib's POV-

I had found the door panel, but it had been busted, so I couldn't just open it. What kind of room was this anyway? Why would Zim have me put in a room that was completely dark?

Lights suddenly flickered on, and I had to cover my eyes for a moment. When I lowered my arm, I glanced around the room. It was bare, apart from the necessities. I stood up and began to wander around when I heard the door opening. I whipped my head around and saw none other than Zim, his expression poised, and his arms behind his back. Gir was behind him, smiling.

"Dib," Zim said suddenly, voice surprisingly calm. That probably wasn't a good sign. "Shit, what'd I do this time?" I asked, closing my eyes and bracing for a backhand or something of the sort. I heard the door close again, and I slowly opened an eye. Zim was still standing there, but Gir was gone. I heard the sound of Zim's footsteps approaching slowly until they stopped just in front of me.

I felt his hands slide around my waist, pulling me to him. I opened my eyes, in shock, mostly, and glanced at him. He was hugging me. He tightened his grip slightly and sighed. "Oh Dib, I think you broke me. I always get this strange feeling when I'm by your side. I hate it." I tried to step away so I could look at his face, but his hold on me suddenly became even stronger, so much so that it started to hurt.

"Zim, that hurts..." Zim just scoffed. "So what if it hurts? It's not like I care..." He mumbled, burying his face in my shoulder. His arms suddenly slid up under my shirt, and he began to slowly feel up my back. "Uh, Zim? W-what are you d-doing..?" I couldn't help but stutter.

He didn't reply, and instead slid his hands back down my back, and then he wiggled his fingers down the back of my pants and underwear, giving my butt a squeeze. I can't lie, I was kind of excited to see where this was going...

( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

When Sanity Is Lost: A ZaDr/Zim x Dib fanfic AUWhere stories live. Discover now