The Airport

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Third Person POV:

Marinette opened her front door to let Adrien in. He stepped inside looking down at her. He was about 6'3 compared to Marinette who was 5'1. His hair wasn't done like usual, and it was kind of messy. It reminded her of her kitty. It wasn't an ugly messy though, Marinette found it quite attractive. He smiled at her softly and pulled her into a hug. The hug caught Marinette off guard. She nuzzled her head into his chest. He was warm, and she could smell the cologne on his shirt. Adrien let go first.

"Good to see you Mari." He said with a smirk.

"You as well, Adrien Agreste." She teased with a wink.

Adrien slightly blushed.

"I'll grab your bags and put them in the trunk for you." He says as he picks up her heavy luggage with ease.

Marinette watched in awe.

"He's always been such a gentleman." She thought to herself.

Once Adrien had put Marinette's bags in the trunk, he opened the passenger seat door for her.

"Thank you, sir." Marinette said as she jokingly curtsied.

Marinette's POV:

It was weird seeing Adrien drive instead of his bodyguard. Things really have changed since freshmen year, and I'm surprised I haven't stammered yet. That hug just felt so comforting. It might've put me at ease. I look over at Adrien as he starts the car. He looks so hot in the drivers seat. One hand on the wheel, the other behind my seat as he backs up. I started to feel the heat as the car began to warm up. I texted Alya that were on our way.

Third Person POV:

Adrien and Marinette arrived at the airport. Adrien dropped off the car at the velet, and helped Marinette get the bags out of the trunk. They both walked inside the empty airport. Not many people seemed to be flying tonight. The building was quiet, and all you could hear was the sounds of the suitcases rolling on the floor behind them. After going through all of security and bag check, they met up with Alya and Nino. Alya stood by the gate waving at Marinette. Marinette smiled and waved back.

"Hey girl, glad you could make it." Alya teased with a wink.

"How's it going dude, are you pumped to kick it in Hawaii or what?" Nino echoed while dapping Adrien up.

"Alix, Juleka, Rose, and Mylene are already there. They checked us into the airbnb. They said it was nicer than expected." Alya stated with an excited smile.

"I'm so ready to lay on the beach, and go out to eat fancy dinners with everyone!" Marinette cheered.

The four got into line to board the plane. Alya took Marinette and Adrien's tickets out of their hands. She checked to see where their seats were and who was sitting with who.

"Marinette, it looks like you're sitting next to Nino, and Adrien is sitting next to me." Alya grinned like she was up to something.

"How about you and I trade seats, so that I can be with Nino." She hinted with a wink. "No offense to you Adrien! I just snore when I sleep." she continued.

Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Ookayy, Alya. I suppose that would work." She said sarcastically.

They all boarded the plane and took their new seats.

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